Chapter 5 Night in the forest

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Clouds covered the night sky making everything pitch black. Edd stared at the ceiling, unable to sleep. That wasn't a great idea since he has work in the morning but he could care less about that now. The thought of Matt might be getting worse kept coming back into his mind. What if the medicine isn't doing anything? What if it keeps getting worse and worse? Will he never get over this? He didn't have any answers to those questions, he wanted to, but he didn't.

Edd sat up on his bed, running his hand through his brown hair. Taking a deep breath, he decided to go out for a walk to clear his head. He's been doing that a lot lately. Edd stood up and grabbed his trusty green hoodie, since it's all he really needed (clothing wise), grabbed his phone, then he grabbed a piece of paper and wrote Matt a note incase he wakes up before he gets back.

Matt, I'm going out for a walk. I'll be back before
Edd glanced at the time before continuing. It was 11:30 pm.
12:30, I promise.
Don't worry too much. Just try to have fun and entertain yourself if you can't get back to sleep.
Don't do anything stupid, haha :)

Edd took the paper and brought it to the living room area and set it down on the table. He then quietly went out the door and left.

Everything was pitch black, the only light was coming from the street lights and near by 24 hour stores. Edd slowly walked down the sidewalk taking deep breaths to clear his head. He soon was met with path that lead to a forest, he decided it couldn't hurt to go. The forest was visited a lot by people, most animals would've been scared away or relocated. Mostly because they were too close to the town. Wouldn't want a random bear take a stroll around town.

Edd made his way into the forest it was so quiet and peaceful. The further he went, the brighter the sky seemed to get. He kept going until the sky seemed to look like a sea of light. Edd was amazed by the sight, really beautiful.

The green hooded Edd sat down against a near by tree, feeling quite relaxed.

Edd wasn't the only one who decided to take a walk. Tord once again was outside taking a smoke. Once he finished, he also saw the path and thought I'd be nice to see something different from neverending buildings.

"Eh, what the hell? If a bear attacks me at least no one would care" Tord said to himself while starting his walk through the trail. He soon made it to where Edd was also.

Edd heard the coming footsteps, and said, "Who's there?" Standing up from his spot. Now feeling uncomfortable that there's a stranger.

Tord noticed it was Edd and answered, "Don't worry, it's just me. Tord"

"Oh..." Edd felt more comfortable now. "Heh, funny we keep finding each other everywhere" He went back to sitting.

Tord stood beside Edd, looking up at the sky "Yeah, funny" He glanced down at Edd, they shared awkward eye contact. They both looked away from each other. "Looks nice tonight..." Tord commented, trying to start conversation.

"Y-yeah... very" Edd responded looking down at the green grass. "You can sit next to me if you want..." He paused for a moment "I mean, that walk was sort of long and your legs might be tried or something-" Edd added, feeling a bit awkward again.

"Um, alright..." Tord slid down next to him, keeping his eyes on the sky. With uncomfortable silence, Tord asked, "Do you go out in the middle of the night often or..?"

Edd smiled awkwardly, "Ha, no... I just..." He started thinking about Matt again. Right, Matt... WAIT, MATT- Edd quickly looked at his phone checking for the time, scared it was 12:30. Edd sighed in relief, just turned 12... thank goodness.

Tord was confused by the sudden action. "Is something wrong?"

Edd looked at Tord, "What? No... I just want to get back home before 12:30 that's all. Work in the morning"

Tord smirked, "Not a very good time to sleep at. Especially if you have work"

"Yeah, I know. It's just been hard to sleep recently..." Edd drifted back into his own thoughts, Matt might be getting worse.

Tord hesitated before saying, "I know how that feels" He sort of mumbled it, but Edd heard it.

Edd looked over at Tord, making sure he actually heard what he heard, "Any reason why you're out tonight?"

The red hooded guy didn't know how to answer that. But he instead went with this, "Didn't I already ask you that?"

"Oh! Right... sorry" Edd apologized.

"No worries, I was just trying to make conversation. It's fine if you don't answer" Tord closed his eyes whist facing the sky, he was trying to relax. Since he hasn't had anything relaxing in awhile.

Edd stared at the sky, still thinking about how Matt might not get over his sickness. He was probably overreacting, but it seemed so believable to him now. It killed him inside that he might be witnessing his friend- "No" Back to square one.

Tord opened his eyes and shifted back towards Edd. "No?"

Edd froze, "Did I say that out loud?"

Tord nodded slowly.

"Sorry... I was just thinking..."

Tord noticed that something what wrong. He sat up straight. "What's wrong, Edd?"

"W-what?" Edd looked worryingly at Tord, he didn't want him to know what's wrong with Matt. He didn't know why, Tord doesn't even know him. Tord doesn't know either of them. Yet he seems to care.

"You seem troubled, obviously something is bothering you..." Tord paused for a few seconds "Maybe talking about it will help..?" There was no response from Edd. Tord then added, "Or...not?" He rubbed his arm, feeling as if he made Edd uncomfortable.

"Umm... well...I'm not sure if-" Edd didn't know what to say. Not even where to start.

"Y-you don't have to! It was just a suggestion!" Tord said quickly, not wanting to make Edd do something he didn't want to do.

Feeling uncomfortable and more awkward than before Edd said, "I better go now... i-it was nice talking to you" He got up and was about to walk away.

"Uh, sorry if that was uncomfortable for you..." Tord apologized, staying in his place.

"It's fine, you meant well... goodnight, Tord" Edd started walking off.

"Goodnight" Tord waved goodbye.

Tord hid his face in his hands, stupid Tord, stupid, stupid, stupid! Now things are more awkward than before. Nice going. He sighed and continued to look at the stars for awhile longer.

Life Before Death (Feathers and Scales prequel) TordEddWhere stories live. Discover now