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Sry if there is some grammar mistakes, english is not my 1st language and i'm lazy too


We get out and walk to the black van. It's like in movies "You are not going to kidnap me, right?" I said. He laugh "why woud i when i can watch you all the time now" he wink. I blush.

He is so cute and handsome in the same time. That messy hair and beautiful eyes. How can he look so good?

"You know what" he started talking "let's go with my car, only us"
"Are we alowed to do that? We can't go without telling our menagers where are we" i said "ahh" he sigh "you are right but let's have fun today" well i feel bad for Jack but idk lol "let's do it" he smiled and we turn off our phones. We take his car and leave.

"You don't have biyfriend right?" He break the silence "no" i answered. "I'm glad"
"No reason"
I smile. Why i'm so happy? I just meet the guy. This is weird but in a good way.

We came to the some restoraunt "this is my favourite restoraunt" he said "i hope you will like it here too" i try to get a better look and my arm sliped and i ended up in his lap.

SO EMBARRASSING! I jump and hit my head. He laugh so hard. I put my hand in the place where i hit myself "ugh i'm so sorry" i close my eyes. I'm so embarrassed. In that moment i feelt his hand on mine. "Does it hurt?" He asked. I opened my eyes. He was so close to my face i could feel his breath.


Yeah right. Like i could. I coudn't move. He smiled and move away from me. "Let's go" i just get out from car and run to the restoraunt. I can't look at him. Why did i have to embarrass myself in front of him? Bravo idiot! I rolled my eyes.

"What are you thinking" i jump "you sure do jump a lot" tae said "what?" Why did i said what? What what? "Well you were rolling your eyes so.." oh he saw that "nothing, let's go i'm hungry" i entered. This day is full of embarrassment. Kill me now.

We sat on the table and i look at the menu. I'm rich but i don't like expencive places. I think it's waste of money. Oh god is this phone numbers or prices. I look up and saw Tae looking at me. I smile and he smile back.

"What are you going to order?" He asked "well.." i look at menu again. Waitress come to us "did you two decite what are you going to order?" She asked. I guess he saw that i'm struggle "two kimchis" he said. She just nooded and leave.

"That's my fav dish you can't be wrong about ordering it" i nooded. I look around. Here is only for rich people i guess. Everyone is wearing suits and ladys are in expencive clothes. He took his mask off.

"Don't worry nobody is going to bother us here, even if they know us they wount yell and try to take a pictures with us and stuff" he said "that's why this is my favourite place it's quiet and relaxing" i take my mask of "thank god i need that" i said.

It's hard to be famous you don't have privacy. The waitress come with our food. This was fast. "Enojoy"she said "thank you" tae and i said in the same time. I started eating. He was right this is good. "Is it good?" He asked and i started to eat faster. He laugh "i guess it is" i nooded.

After we eat he pays the bill. I was about to pay but he said no. Gentleman. I like him... Like friend.... i guess..or more... Are we even friends?
"I can't tell what are you thinkig, in other cases i do. I can read people, but you.." he said.

WELL THANK GOD CAUSE IF YOU DO YOU WOULD BE SCARED OF MY THOUGTS. "anyway let's go" he get in the car. "Where?" I asked "you'll see" he winked. Well how bad it can be? I get in the car and he started driving.

After looong ride we came to some park. We get out and we started walking. I was more actually following him. He stoped at the end of the park and sat on the bench. I sit next to him and look around.

"It's amazing" i said looking at the view. "I know, i came here when i want to relax" he said. We were just sitting there in silence. It's perfect. With him even silence is perfect.

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