Sophie The Insider

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I thought she had me under her wing,

I thought I was safely under her skin,

But I wasn't.

I see now she had other ideas,

My worse known fears came alive,

She was challenging me,

And telling me lies.

Good try,

I see it now that's its happened,

I see now why it went wrong,

I see now I feel its all gone bad,

And I miss the friendship, which Ed and I had,

Can I get that back?

I wrote a note explaining the actions I did were bad,

How I missed the friendship we once had,

I saw him in the corridors,

Butterfly wings hitting the walls of my stomach lining,

Nowhere to hide myself, now this was frightening,

He approached me saying nothing,

Our silence said things words could not.

And when the cool kids walked right past,

Ed spoke "Maybe we aren't outsiders after all?" Smiling.

"Yes Ed, maybe we are insiders?" Smiling.

We The Outsiders (Poem- Short-Story)Where stories live. Discover now