Blessed With Stars

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Inspired by the Tumblr post:

'Imagine elves with freckles being looked upon with wonder and amazement because it is said that they are born with stars on their skin.' which was made by 'tothless'.


Hirion held the bundle in his arms, marveling at the small babe wrapped in the blanket. Her eyes closed, a wisp of dark red hair, her face peaceful after the difficult delivery. They had almost lost Erudiel, but both mother and daughter managed to survive, thanks to the skills of Elrond Peredhil. Now Hirion was a proud father of a sweet baby girl whom he and his bonded had yet to name.

He heard movement and glanced up from the baby to the bed he was sitting beside. Erudiel had been laying in it, resting after the stress and pain of birthing their child. But now she was awake and struggling to sit up.

Hirion helped her as much as he could with his free hand and she was soon leaning back against the headboard, looking at the small bundle of life in her bonded's arms. Hirion noticed her look and carefully handed her the babe, placing her gently into Erudiel's grip.

Erudiel mustered a small smile as she held her daughter for the first time. She noted the dark red hairs on the baby's head, which had come from her. Erudiel's family had a history of dark red hair, and hers was so dark it was almost brown. But the babe's was lighter, and it suited her pale complexion. Erudiel sighed as she just stared at her child, marveling in the life she and her bonded had created.

Hirion switched to sitting on the edge of the bed and wrapped his arm around his wife's shoulders, being careful not to jostle the baby. Erudiel leaned against him, still weak, and he slid his other hand under the child, so they were both supporting her. Hirion placed a gentle kiss on Erudiel's hair and they sat there for a few minutes, in a quiet peace.

"We need to name her," Erudiel whispered after a while.

"Indeed," Hirion agreed quietly.

"How about Saerda?" Erudiel asked, still staring at her daughter.

"Saerda," Hirion repeated, trying it out. "Yes. Saerda."

Erudiel readjusted her grip to hold her child closer, and she leaned her head on Hirion's shoulder, content. "Saerda," She whispered. "Our little star."


"Saerda!" Erudiel called. "Saerda Talithe, come back here right now!"

Saerda giggled as she ran away from her mother into one of Rivendell's various gardens, hiding behind a tree. She peeked around the edge to watch as her mother fumed, searching through the bushes and calling out for her again and again. She glanced that way and Saerda hurriedly ducked back behind the trunk, hoping her mother hadn't seen her.

Suddenly she was grabbed from behind and lifted into the air. She squealed in fright as she flew upwards and back down, only to be caught by strong arms well before she could hit the ground. She looked up into the face of her father and giggled, knowing that she was safe from her mother now that Ada was here.

Speaking of mother, it was at that moment that Erudiel came crashing through the undergrowth into the little clearing behind the tree. Having heard her daughter's squeal of fright she had instantly located the girl and had assumed she had gotten hurt. But instead of finding a crying daughter she instead found Hirion with Saerda in his arms, both smiling and the child giggling with glee. Erudiel let out a breath of relief before moving to scold Saerda.

"Saerda, what have I told you about running off?" She said as she walked up to the duo. "Look at you, you're filthy! I told you it was washing time and you responded by running away. I'm thinking I should put you on a leash!"

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