Not so good around women

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Sliding my sword back into it's casing I sit up from my spot on the floor deciding to make my way torwards my room.

My journey came to a hault once I heard commotion about the prince coming back. My eye's widened turning around I speed walk in search of Tiamat to see if the rumors were true.

Barging into the main hall I see Tiamat pulling a dirty blue haired prince by the shirt as bulge attempted to struggle out of his grip.

I snicker at that "you need any help there Tiamat?"

Tiamat made eye contact with me and his face flushed red he jerked it in the opposite direction. "N-no I l have it handled"

The prince looked up at him "you're not very confident in front if girls are you?"

Tiamat eye's furrowed in anger as he slammed his hand onto the prince's head. "S-shut it brat!!"

The prince went back to struggling out of Tiamat's grip, Tiamat eventually let go of him as the prince slammed into the ground.

Tiamat glared at the smaller man on the ground " you are the legitimate heir to the throne!! It would behoove you not to degrade it any further! We have no need for you!"

That haulted the blue haired prince in his place, he stood up his hair covering his face as he gripped Tiamat by the colar. "You should never say something like "we have no need for you"".

We both look at him in shock "I don't think he's the prince"

I walked up to Tiamat and gripped his hand. His face flushed red as he turned his head away from me I lead him away from the smaller man. "Tiamat can I talk to you alone"

Once we got to a secluded area I brought him closer, my lips brushing his ear. Tiamat froze up stuttering as his face turned red.

" I don't think he's the prince" I whispered into his ear.

Tiamat sighed and turned his back to me "I think you might be right, the prince doesn't usually say or care about stuff like that"

A loud explosion was heard from the outside of the kingdom we jerked our heads torwards the direction it came from.

I looked at Tiamat "go grab the look a-like prince, I'll meet you outside"

I pull out my blade a charge torwards the entrance gate.

Tiamat barged into the room where the prince is. "You stay here"

Surrounded by rubble from some of rogers cannon fire. A yellow Alien shouted and threatened the kingdom.

"The honorable prince bulge threatened my person and stole my money!!"

Me and along with every one else's eye's widened at his proclamation. A soldier behind me shouted at him.


Roger the Alien's right hand pointed his Cannon in Tiamat's direction my eye's widened as I noticed his leg was pinned under rubble from his previous attack.

I charge forward and cross my arm's over my person and take the shot. I skid back the skin on my arms burned as I slam into a wall.

Shakily getting up I collapse back onto the ground Tiamat finally freeing himself he rushes to my side. My vision blurred and the noises around me were muffled.

Tiamat grabbed me and pulled me torward his chest I feel the quick rising of his chest from him breathing fast. I look up at him and push some of his hair behind his ear.

My eye's close as Tiamat called out my name.

I wake up in a soft bed groaning I roll over to see red hair and the sleeping face of Tiamat.

My eye's widened and I turn back over to try and calm my red face. I look around the room now noticing I was sleeping in his room.

A hand slithered around my waist and pulled me torwards a firm chest. I close my eye's pretending to be asleep.

Tiamat nuzzled his nose into the crook of my neck "you shouldn't have jumped in front of me you Idiot"

I bit the inside of my cheek thinking he knows I'm awake. But keep my eye's closed knowing Tiamat never showed affection like this.

Tiamat pulled back and gazed at my face. Stroaking my cheek "I should've been the one to get hit".

I crack open my eye's at that "yea, but you would've done the same for me"

Tiamat's eye's widened as he scrambled away from me a blush blooming across his face. I grin at him "come' on don't leave yet"

I spread my arm's out, Tiamat holds his head down hiding his blushing face as he climbs back into bed. Laying down like a plank of wood.

Rolling my eye's I climb on top of him "h-hey! What ar-"

I cut him off I wrap my arms around his waist my arm's smooshed between him and the bed as I rest my head on his check. Tiamat hesitantly wraps his arm's around me.

A static feeling formed in my arm's I pulled the away "Tiamat?" He looked down at me pouting and still blushing. "I... I love you"

Tiamat eye's widened his face turning red "I -I l-love you too"

I grin at him and push my lips into him Tiamat at first shocked finally began kissing back. Feeling his warm lips against mine sent a fluttering feeling into the pit of my stomach. Jumping as I felt his hand tug at the back of my hair and him nibbling at my bottom lip I open my mouth to let his tounge invade it.

Moaning as I felt him tactically map out mouth my hands moved around groping random spots on his body feeling jerk and let a moan into my mouth. I smirk.

Though groaned as I felt him disconnect

"We'll continue this once your healed plus tomorrow we're leaving on a trip with the prince"

I sighed "your no fun"

Tiamat let out a chuckle pulling the sheets up and wrapping his arm's around me. He kisses the top of my head.

"I love you now go back to sleep so your not tired during the day"

I roll my eye's but comply.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2018 ⏰

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