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Taylor: Do you like Matt? As a boyfriend?

Y/N: Uhm... Damn, is it hot in here or is it just me?

*All the blood rushes to your face, and you don't dare look Matt's way. Instead of saying 'yes' or 'no', you look at Taylor and nod once. You nod once, and give him a look that tells him not to say anything more about it. He understands.*

Taylor: Cool. Okay, *he yawns* I'm tired. Y/N, I'm sleeping in your parents' room.

Y/N: *You laugh* Okay, weirdo. Goodnight.

*You all stand up and Tay says goodnight and hugs you and Matt. Then he walks into your parents' bedroom. Every time he comes over here and your parents are gone, he sleeps in their room.*

Y/N: Where are you sleeping?

Matt: Couch, I guess.

*You stare at him for a while. You squint your eyes, until you finally give in.*

Y/N: *You sigh* Do you wanna sleep-

Matt: Yesss!!!

*Matt picks you up bridal style and runs upstairs. You laugh the whole way. When y'all reach your bedroom, he puts you down. The music is still blasting, and the song currently playing is 'Beautiful' by Eminem. You wait until it ends until you turn it off. You put your iPod and iPhone on their chargers. Matt turns off the light. You plop down on your bed, and Matt comes and lays beside you.*

Matt: You know what?

Y/N: What?

Matt: You're a tease.

Y/N: *You chuckle* So are you!

Matt: *He smirks* I know. But, I wouldn't have had to tease you if you didn't tease me.

Y/N: Yeah, the thought to tease me wouldn't have even occurred to you if I'd never teased you.

Matt: Why did you tease me anyway? Why didn't you just kiss me?

Y/N: Because... You were just joking with me, so I joked back.

*Matt opens his mouth to say something else, but he just bites his lip and nods. He yawns.*

Matt: Well, I'm gonna go to sleep now. I'm exhausted.

Y/N: Same.

Matt: Goodnight.

Y/N: Goodnight.

*You turn your back towards him, and he's still laying on his back. Y'all cover up. A few seconds later...*

Matt: Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah?

Matt: I love you.

Y/N: *You smile to yourself* I love you too, faggot.

*He turns over and puts his arm around you. You smile, and get hella butterflies. And not long after, you fall asleep.*

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