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*The ride starts.*

Y/N: Mahogany!

Mahogany: What?

Y/N: When it stops upside down, take a picture of you and Jacob!

Mahogany: Okay!

'I love how she didn't even question you,' you think to yourself, giggling.

Y/N: Matt, we're gonna do the same.

Matt: *He nods* Okay. We should take two. A regular one... and one of us kissing.

Y/N: *You smile and blush* Okay.

*You get out your phone and put it on the camera. You hold it tightly, and you use the other hand to hold yourself up when ride starts going upside down. When it finally stops upside down, you and Matt smile and you take the picture. Then y'all kiss, and you take the picture. When the ride,starts moving again, you put your phone in your bra.*

*When the ride stops, you all get off. You hold Matt's hand while y'all get off, and Mahogany and Jacob hold hands.*

Matt: Let's see the pictures.

*You pull your phone and go to the pictures, and they turned out perfect. The sky is dark, but all the lights from the fair light up the pictures, and they're absolutely beautiful.*

Mahogany: We wanna see!

*Jacob and Mahogany come and look at the pictures, and they both "awwwwh". You and Matt giggle.*

Y/N: Let's see yours.

*Mahogany takes out her phone, and she took two pictures too. Both of them are perfect as well. In the first one, they're just smiling. And in the second, Mahogany is kissing Jacob's cheek.*

Y/N: Awwwh, that's adorable.

*Y'all walk around and ride a bunch of rides. When y'all get off the Space Roller, y'all are laughing.*

Matt: That was fun!

Jacob: Yeah. And they're Bout to have a firework show.

Y/N: Forreal?!

Jacob: Yeah. It goes on for,like twenty minutes, it's awesome.

Mahogany: When does it start?

Jackb: In like, three minutes.

Y/N: Let's go to the ferris wheel!

*They don't question it. They just walk to the ferris wheel with you. Matt holds your hand, interlocking your fingers like always. You guys arrive at the ferris wheel, and get on. You and Matt sit on one side and Mahogany and Jacob sit on the other. As soon as it starts moving up, the fireworks start. When y'all get to the top, you smile at Matt. He smiles back.*

Y/N: I love you so much.

Matt: I love you so much more.

*He kisses you, and there's a white flash. You and Matt pull away to see Mahogany giggling, her phone pointed towards you and Matt.*

Y/N: I was hoping someone would to that, to be honest.

*You all laugh, and you kiss Matt again.*

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