*After you all have already watched Zombieland and Friday, everyone is struggling to keep their eyes open.
Y/N: Guys, why don't y'all go lay in my parents' bed?
Hayes: Is there enough room for three people?
Taylor: Hell yeah, it's a California kinger!
*So Hayes, Tay, and Dillon all say goodnight and leave the room. You grab your remote and turn the TV off. Matt yawns and lays down. You climb on top of him and kiss all over his face. He giggles while you do it. Finally, your lips land on his. Before you can pull away, he wraps his arms around you and pulls your body down on top of his. You continue to kiss, and it starts to get pretty heavy until the door swings open. You and Matt pull away to see Taylor at the door.*
Y/N: Every fucking time...
*Matt laughs and Tay slowly walks to the nightstand.*
Taylor: Just came in here to get my Monster... *he says slowly*
Matt: You have fun with that.
Taylor: *He grabs his Monster* Y'all are dirty! Remember, keep it PG-13, no Rated R, k?! *He runs out*
*You and Matt chuckle and shake your heads. You slide off of him and lay your head on his chest. He pulls the cover over y'all.*
Y/N: Goodnight, Matt.
Matt: Goodnight, babe.
*After a minute of silence..*
Matt: Y/n..
Y/N: Yup?
Matt: I love you, babygirl.
Y/N: I love you too, Espinosa.
*The next morning, you wake up to all the boys jumping on the bed. You groan and kick Dillon since he's the one closest to you.*
Taylor: Get up, get up!
Y/N: Fucking quit!
Hayes: Get up, get up!
Y/N: Oh my gooood! I'm getting up! Now, get out, I'm naked!
*The boys run out of the room instantly. You smirk and get up and atretch. Of course you aren't really naked. You turn to Matt.*
Y/N: Damn, Matt, you slept through all that?
*He was sleeping as soundly and peacefully as ever. You chuckle.*