Chapter 1

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Tris POV

I'm having that dream again. No wait, it's not a dream it's a nightmare. I've had this nightmare every night since it happened.

It always starts off the same way. I'm holding Tobias's hand walking down the street. The factions are gone now. We walk towards what used to be the dauntless headquarters. That's when I see him.


I push Tobias out of the way as the bullets enter my chest, ripping through the flesh. I fall to the ground, my shirt turning scarlet with my blood. Tobias rushes over to me pulling me to his body. He's crying and whispering my name over and over like a mantra or a song.

"Come back to me, Tris! Tris!"

I wake up in a cold sweat. I look to my left and see Tobias staring back at me with a worried expression on his face.

"Sorry, um it's that nightmare again..." I trail off.

"Tris, I think you should see someone about this." He's looking at me like I'm a kicked puppy.

I hate that look.

"No. I'm fine. I don't need to sit on a couch and have a shrink tell me I have PTSD or something like that. Nothing's wrong with my head," I fire back.

"Tris, you were shot in the chest and almost killed! It's not like it was a minor injury!" The look on his face now is sad. "I worry about you, Tris..."

"Tobias, I'm fine really! It's just gonna take some time to get used to the scars and what not." I look down at my chest where my scars are except my shirt is covering them up right now.

Tobias sees me looking at my chest and does the same. A flash of pain goes over his eyes, but then they soften. He lifts up my shirt so that he can see the first scar, just below my rib cage. He gives me the softest kiss just over the scar and lifts the shirt higher see he can kiss the others.

"You're so, so beautiful," He whispers as he continues to give each scar attention.

"You don't think they're ugly?"

"I think they make you look strong and beautiful and brave, but never ugly." He finishes.

I have tears welling in my eyes as I cup his face in my hands and kiss him.

"What did I do to deserve you?" I say smiling at him.

"You saved me."


Wow, okay so, I have been working on that for like ever!

This was just the first chapter, but I promise they will get better!!!

Leave me votes and lots of comments please!!!:)


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2014 ⏰

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