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man... i got too many chapters named 'confession' xD


~ My Kookie ~

I am not EVER leaving you anywhere but my fucking place!

but... we cant

Well, Jungkook, you know what i found out in the last few days?

what? that you dont need me?
i would understand that. really

i found out that i...

love you

Jungkook's point of view

She... LOVES ME?

N-no... NO! She can't! I-I mean... I am happy but I'm not good for her. What the heck am I supposed to answer? Shall I hurt her? Should I leave her? I know it would be the right thing but why not return her feelings? Her love...

~ My Love Cake ~

i dont
leave me pls

what? but it doesn't make sense... you wrote that you wanna be my boyfriend! ._.


what? >~<

ok! i do love you but we still cant, Y/N
i am going to shut down my phone...
i am so sorry, Y/N. but it's better this way, believe me...
love you, my Love Cake ♥︎

noo! dont leave me!
message could not be send|
message could not be send|

Your point of view

I can't believe this... Oliva? THIS BITCH IS DONE NOW!

Filled with anger and the desire to chop off her head I didn't hesitate making my way to Taehyung's home. Oh and this dude is no longer existing for me, too! They can kiss my ass!! Argh!

"Open the fucking door or I swear to god I'm gonna kick your asses!," I yelled through the front door of Taehyung's house. The fact that they were in that house but did not reacted to me made me angry even more.

I kept on knocking for about five minutes until the door finally opened. Anger and disappointment controlled me as I saw the young girl's face in front of me.
She was my 'best friend'? She? That little bitch? No... this can't be true. Why the fuck would she do that? I want to know – no, I have to know!

My eyes soaked up with tears and my face fully flushed out, I raised my index finger up at her. "Why... did you do that?! Tell me!"

Olivia was clearly confused, cocking an eyebrow. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"I am taking about SHIT you do! Why would you, my best friend, kidnap the most important man from me?" Olivia snorted, "Most important man? Y/N, c'mon! He is a freaking psycho and you know that. That Namjoon-guy told us everything... well, after we forced him to, and he is not good for you!"

"Dang, I love him and you didn't even notice," I muttered, laughing bitterly and sadly at the same time while Olivia was obviously shocked.

"Woah, you love him? That caught me off guard... why would you love him?"

"What a stupid question, seriously! Why would you love Taehyung? See? A extremely dumb question! I love him because I. LOVE. HIM. You need a written proof?" Now I was the one who snorted, "You know what? Fucking hit the road. I don't need fake friends like you! Tell me where Jungkook is and I am gone."

"No." – "No?"

Because I wasn't able to control the anger for a longer time anymore, I shut the door with a loud noise and made my way to the cafe where I bought myself a latte macchiato. It was sort of relaxing to sit in a small cafe, thinking and looking at the town in the night time.

Then it hit me like a flash. That's... 'him'. 100 percent!

I abruptly stood up from the chair I was sitting on a moment ago and left some money on the cash desk.
I rushed outside and approached the man whose aura exposed him to me. He definitely was the black dressed man – the murderer. It probably was just a stupid feeling in my belly but it felt so serious.

"Hey, you! Hold on for a sec!," I called out to him as I reached the young man.

He was wearing some kind of nurse clothings and a dark brown coat over it for the reason of covering it.

"What? I'm in a hurry," he mumbled, his eyes uncomfortably evading my gaze by looking everywhere but me.

Ha! Another weird thing. Now I am 120 percent sure it's him!

"I know who you are. Don't even tryna muck around. You're, the murderer of Jungkook's parents," I blurted probably slightly rude.

The man stiffened and looked at me restlessly, trying to settle the conversation, "Listen, I don't know what you're talking abo-" "Shut up! Where is Jungkook?!"

"Hey, seriously. I don't know who Jungkook is. I am just a normal nurse who works in that asylum 20 minutes away from here."

Asylum? He? Jungkook? jskdjdnsjsn HE IS WORKING IN THAT ASYLUM?!?

"Listen," I began, grabbing his wrist roughly, "you are coming with me and you are going to open doors for me, got it?"

Without awaiting an answer from his side I just made my way to the asylum and dragged him along me.

After 20 minutes – exactly as he told me – there was the asylum; the asylum my Kookie could have been in.
So that's when we entered the massive building, whereupon he was the one who took my hand now.

We arrived in front of a room's door. He slowly opened it and only darkness was seen. That was when I suddenly felt his hands pushing me inside and shutting the door right after.

I was totally shocked and didn't know what to do. That bastard!

The sound of a key locking the door made me scream and yell, "HEY! YOU! LET ME OUT!" Right after that I noticed he wasn't there anymore. He was gone.

My voice was cracking and it broke into millions of my whimpers and sobs.



well well... what should i say? :/

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