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Dedicated to tasfiyah007

I wish sometimes the ground
would open up and swallow me
I just can't bear the shame
And be a person I can't be

I am who I am
To please no one else
It's my decision, my body
My mind, my health

And who do you think you are?
To take that away from me
My mother? My father?
No, just a foolish wannabe

I define myself
So don't stop and judge
Just keep walking on
In this world of hate
The lying, the war, unpeaceful state

But even after all,
In this dreadful mane
I find space in my heart
To love once again

This is one the first poems I wrote. I was shocked that I actually managed to write something decent.

Since then I've always been writing and thanks to my friend who motivated me to start this book ... I guess. I'm so awkward with writing unless it's poems so forgive me :)

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