Wow. This was fun to write. I really hope that you enjoyed reading just as much as I enjoyed staying up till two a.m., frantically typing on my laptop.
Thank you for all of your comments and for voting! It truly means so very much to me.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this short story, please leave a comment! I love getting them, reading them, and responding to them :)
Now, a few fun facts to finish things up:
1) I Remember is based upon a dream that a friend had. She told me about it, and I just had to write a story.
2) This story is 19,496 words long. Some people see 20k as the max for a short story, so this side-project was dangerously close to being a novella.
3) I Remember was written at the very butt end of the summer break, right before I went off to college! A great way to end a great summer.
Well, that's about it! Thank you again for reading! Keep on being awesome.
I Remember
NouvellesIn a world with no recorded history, people Remember. Special individuals are given a day, responsible for the memories of every person who lived during that timeframe. I carry a day. It is a very important one, and yet it's harrowing, overridden wi...