Chapter 6- E.T

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Chapter 6:

It was finally Saturday and I was hanging out with Alaric. He wanted some father-daughter time, though I have no clue how he'll make up for the past 17 years. We were currently out in the woods, him teaching me how to kill a vampire.

"This is what you call father-daughter time?" I asked, staking a fake vampire.

"This or we could of played Clue." He shrugged.

"I'd rather do that." I muttered, but he didn't hear me. I staked the fake vampire again and sat down on a log.

"Come on, get up!" He said.

"I staked it 20 times now, I think it's dead." I pointed out.

"Fine, want to go to the grill?" He questioned, putting the vampire slaying stuff up.

"Sure." I replied, following him back to the house. He put his stuff in the back seat of his truck and we drove to the grill. We got there, hopped out of the truck, and went inside the grill. Even though it was the middle of the day, it was still busy like usual. We sat down at a booth and he ordered me a Dr. Pepper and fries, while he ordered himself a beer and some fries too.

"I'll be back." I told him, getting up. I went into the bathroom, did my business, and started washing my hands.

"Hello Ryan." A voice behind me said, making me jump a foot in the air. I turned around to glare, only seeing that one guy Damon supposedly killed.

"Aren't you suppose to be dead?" I eyed him suspiciously.

"Well I did die, but I'm back." He shrugged.

"There's something different about you." I pondered out loud.

"I'm an Original vampire. Before you ask, I'm in the family of the first vampires." He explained.

"Oh, cool, I guess." I frowned. He stepped closer to me and I equaled that by taking a step back. We continued this until I was backed up against the sink, his hands on either side of me, grabbing the sink.

"I need you to tell me something." He instructed, his pupils getting smaller. This effected me more than Damon, I almost gave in. Like I said, almost.

"You'll have to try harder buddy." I patted his cheek. His eyes widened slightly, but quickly changed it to a glare.

"Who are you?" He asked. Again with that question!

"Ryan, girl, human." I smirked. His head bent down lower to mine and at first I thought he was gonna kiss me, but instead he sniffed my neck. Weirdo.

"Hm, human. Interesting." He muttered.

"Yeah, human, awesome." I rolled my eyes.

"Damon does pick good." He commented.

"I'm no ones." I growled, raising my hand to slap it. He automatically took it, causing shivers to run down my body. I think he felt it too because the let go, taking a step back.

"Just warn Damon that Klaus is coming." He said and disappeared. Ugh, stupid vampire speed. I sighed and walked out of the bathroom, going back over to Alaric.

"What took you so long?" He questioned.

"Just had to fix my eyeliner." I lied. He believed it and we ate our lovely fries.


I waited outside the boarding house for Stefan or Damon to answer the door. After about 5 minutes of waiting, I opened the door to find it unlock. I rolled my eyes at myself and walked through the house. I reached Damon's room and opened the door, only to quickly close it to see Damon and that Rose girl making out. I made a gagging noise but opened the door again, making sure to make some noise. They jumped back and turned to look at me, Damon glaring.

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