I Need You...

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Breakfast at Bhallas next morning was a silent affair. Or so Raman thought. He would not have wanted it any other way. Last had been eventful. At least for him.

He had lot to think about and grasp. It was like he had been asleep all this while and had just woken. He sat quietly at his usual place, let Neelu serve him, she in turn visibly surprised when Raman had not scolded her, as had been his routine for the past 1 year. As for Raman, he had too much on his mind to think and ponder than the food that was being served. He had no appetite yet following about these routine affairs, provided him some insight in his own behaviour all these months.

He noticed the silent table, none,who were in midst of their meal when he arrived, spoke even a word. Just gesturing and eye contact signals. As if he was blind and couldn't see how they dreaded his foul mood all these months. Yes he would get angry and snap at anyone for no reason at all. He could see all his follies now. For once he thought having his breakfast in his room. No, he couldn't go there. He was scared. What if Adi returned and made him see eye to eye of his behaviour towards everyone.... towards Ishita. Yes Ishita, he knew where the solution to all his problems lied. One word, one name, one person and he knew all would be sorted. Ishita. He would go to her right away and for a change talk to her, yes talk, plead, beg for forgiveness, for another chance. She would relent. He was sure of this. Of his Ishita..

Yes, despite hurling all these abuses, he was sure that Ishita would understand... his anger, his spiteful words.. she always did. She would do now as well. He quickly finished his meal and checked his watch. 8:45 am. Ishita would have reached her clinic. He picked up his coat and headed to the door, not missing the whispers of everyone behind his back. Yes, everything needs to change.. to improve... he would change it for good.

He saw Ishita's car parked outside her clinic. So his presumption was correct. She was there. The thought that he would see her, talk to her, hug her, feel her brought a smile to his face and set the butterflies rolling in his stomach.
He marched in her clinic.
Today there would be no ugly blame game. No useless fights. Acceptance was what he was required to do and accepted he has today. Despite everything, he needs her to heal the pain, even though the pain is caused by her.
He signalled the receptionist to sit down as she tried to stop him from entering her office. He had never made a scene at her clinic these seven months. In her apartment.. yes.. in the middle of road.. yes.. but never her clinic. He respected her professional commitments and was thankful for once, when the receptionist didn't give him any disdainful looks. Rather she pleaded him not to disturb her, citing an important meeting.
"Don't you worry. Ma'am will not say anything to you. If she is with a patient, I'll quietly sit down and wait for her to get free. I am Mr. Raman Bhalla, her husband..." Owning up the fact felt good. And he smiled again. The killer smile that would make any girl fluster and make him have his way.
The receptionist, unaware of all the history between them, relented and returned to her seat.
Now he just needs to charm his lady love. It won't be easy. He knew that, but he knew his Ishita as well. She would forgive him, as always.
He quietly opened the door with a smile he could not hide. Ishita was there in her chair, probably studying some patient's file. He stood at the door, for once admiring her beauty. Pouted lips, sometimes murmuring words, eyes deep set in reading with complete concentration- it seems age has been rolling backwards with her.
She was dressed in a yellow saree with blue border, the colour adding charm to her beautiful features. It was like he could stand there and look at her all day long.
But as his gaze shifted to the person sitting across her table, his blood began to boil.

Yes, he remembered this person- the one from last night- blast his name. Why was he here and why was he looking at his Ishita with so much admiration. This man was almost swooning over her. His eyes having a visual feast, as they rolled over from her forehead, to stop a little at her lips, Damn that suppressed smile, studying her cheek bones, then moving over to the exposed area of her neck and further down.

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