Call us Cupids (2)

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"No! Dresses on these occasions are supposed to be modest and appropriate!" I retorted, frowning at the scandalous piece of fiery red clothing that the perverted boy held in front of me.

Camilo smiled cheekily, dimples appearing, and shrugged, "I figured you'd look good."

"Then your mind most probably isn't working well today," I gave my back to Camilo to look at other dresses to wear for the party held in the Lachowski's massive mansion.

"I have my moments, Princess, bear with me," I heard Camilo's voice and the sound of the metal hanger being put back to where it was and breathed out a quiet sigh of relief.

Kallie had barged into my room again the other day and demanded me to go to a party held by her parents for all the seniors in Augustin High, and she had sent me shopping for an outfit with my supposed "boyfriend".

I felt sick to the stomach just by thinking of it.

We continued searching for outfits and arguing about what dresses look good for me to wear to parties at the Lachowski's house.

"How is it?" I twirled around the changing booth, the millionth dress that I had tried on swishing around.

"Looks good," he replied. Finally. "Now let's go, I'm hungry." He rubbed his stomach and I rolled my eyes, retreating into the changing room and closing the door to put on my own clothes.

Camilo handed his credit card to the lady behind the counter when I placed the dress on the glass counter. I grabbed his wrist to prevent the card from being taken.

"It's my dress, I'll pay." I said to both him and the lady while taking out my card.

Camilo grabbed my wrist like I did him, "Princess, I'm touched that you don't want me to pay but I'm the guy, so let's follow the stereotype shall we?" He smiled and handed his card to the lady who was observing our conversation, amused.

I frowned at him as he gently put my card back to its original place in my wallet.

"Both of you are perfect for each other. Last long!" The lady gave me a bag containing my dress and waved us off.

I was about to correct her when Camilo put his hand in mine, shutting me up with the electricity that ran up and down my arm at his touch.

"Thank you!" He waved back and led me down the mall.

I pulled my hand out of his and tried to rub the electricity away, "What was that for?" The lady didn't need to be convinced of our 'relationship.'

"The Journalist Competition is very well known, there's a possibility that our article might get on the national paper if we win, so it's best if we just convince everyone around us," he shrugged carelessly but I could sense that it wasn't entirely the reason why he pretended that we were a couple but I let it drop anyway.


He smirked, "Now c'mon I'm dying of starvation." He turned a corner, causing me to follow him closely.

I rolled my eyes at his dramatic statement, "Don't say anything until you know what the starving children in Africa feel like."

Camilo turned around to face me and started walking backwards, "Aww c'mon Princess-" he had barely finished his sentence before I pointed a finger at him threateningly.

"I told you not to call me nicknames."

He pouted, "But it's fun!"

I rolled my eyes yet again, "Immature."

He just chuckled and turned around again so that he was facing the front and walking properly.

♕ Call us Cupids ♕

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