Call us Cupids (5)

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"Dammit!" I threw my bed sheets to the side and sat up, running a hand through my hair which I was sure it was already messed up because of my tossing and turning.

I had went to bed immediately after that kiss with Bea, not even bothering to take a shower and just stripping into my boxers and throwing myself onto my bed.

It had been an hour since I plopped myself on my oh-so-plush bed and I still couldn't find any sleep.

The kiss I had with Bea was amazing. Better than any kisses with those hot-ass seductive girls that I hooked up with.

Urgh, Bea, she was so distracting, I couldn't find myself concentrating on anything once she was at least two meters away from me. The first time I ever saw her was when she came up to confront me about... um... what's that girl's name again? Ahh... Farta?

Anyway, when Bea walked up to me and slapped me full-on, she immediately got my attention.

Of course, then, I got pissed.

So I wanted to see how she would react if I managed to get her to fall for me and play with her feelings like I do to girls whose brains were the size of peas, since she was so defensive of that Farta girl when I dumped her hot ass.

Farta was hot, she was sweet and she was available. So I'd just won her over to show her off to my best mates, and when I got bored of her, I'd just put out a few sweet sentences and got rid of her.

Easy as heck.

But Bea wasn't, she wasn't easy, she was intelligent, stubborn and gorgeous. That was what was so distracting about her. The other typical girls that I had hooked up with were as easy to figure out as a kindergarden math question. But Bea's personality was so much more, she was so interesting and intriguing. The only thing I figured out about her was that I could never be able to unfold the many layers to her huge personality.

Initially, I'd thought I wanted to play with her feelings and see her get hurt. But after getting to know her, just the thought of this girl getting hurt made my stomach churn with anxiety.

Urgh, I think of her too much. Why do I even think of her so much? Just because she was different from all the other girls I've met doesn't mean I should think of her so much.

Except that she's the only girl other than your family that you haven't even touched sexually for such a long span of time since you've met her.

Ew, that sentence came out weird. What is my brain even doing?

Thinking about your kissing her?

I swear my brain isn't connected to my soul.

I guess the kiss was in the spur of the moment, seeing as she was so irresistib-


I ran a hand through my hair.

What am I even doing?

I grunted and pushed myself off the bed.

If that infuriating girl's gonna keep running through my head constantly and if I wasn't gonna get any sleep, might as well lift some weights to get my mind off her and get this delicious body going for the new varsity season.

I slipped a plain grey shirt on, put on a pair of basketball shorts, grabbed some stuff and shoved them in my duffel bag along with my bottle and I was out of the house and starting up my bike in no time.

I swear girls take too much time getting ready to go out. I wonder if Bea takes as long as those girls with too much make-up on their faces...

I stopped in my tracks after realizing that I was thinking of her yet again.

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