Chapter 2

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"Who the fuck was it with Pria?!?!" Pria just looked at me like she was trying to figure out what to say. "Unless it was with August and you wouldn't want me to know because you know I would be pissed behind hell." with that the bus came to an abrupt stop and the bus driver through everybody off the bus.

When we get off the bus Pria still hasn't cleared the air or told me who this kiss was with but before I could ask her again we saw our friend Vanessa.

"What's up bitches I missed yall." Vanessa said as we walked to her we all embraced in hugs because we haven't seen each other for three weeks, except for the few times we had a sleepover and when we all met up at the park for a picnic with our springs flings. But, I didnt have a spring fling and I thought I would be left out so I skipped the picnic. As we walked into the school Pria and I saw our other bestfriend Sydni. We ran up to her and I let Pria get first hugs since Sydni was her wifey you don't mess with a girl and her wifey.

"Omg hey boo I missed y'all so much you just dont know" We were all locked in a group hug when we heard Pria trying to catch oxygen extra hard. Sydni and I pulled back thinking she was having a heart attack only to see her pointing down the hallway. We looked the direction but saw nothing.

"What the hell are you looking at?"I said to Pria as I wave my hand in front of her face.

Sydni hits me on my arm and points in the direction I follow her finger to see the lining on the back of the biggest dumb ass I've ever met in my 14 years of life. He was on the football team, he was part of the band, and his ego always got in the way of every fucking thing he did including dating my bestfriend in the world and being. dumbest nigga in the world of dating only to get cursed out by the whole fucking squad. So one point for the squad.

"Pria u good did something happen with u two over summer?" Pria didn't say anything she told us to go to Sydni and I did as we were told and our mouths fell open at the same time. After scrolling down the page all u see is Leon ugly ass face in the screen.

"Who the hell was he fighting??" I asked Pria

"He was fighting Jj." she whispered what I wanted to know was why the hell was she whispering and when I turnt around I saw why. That bald headed big headed nigga had crept up behind me and saw the screen on my phone where his head connected with Jj's fist. Then he snatched my phone out my hand. Now, me and Leon have never gotten along. Every time he did some shit that made me mad I popped him in his mouth simple as that. In this case the nigga wanted to run away with my phone which never ended well because I run faster than him though he is on the football.

When I catch up to him I don't bother yanking his book bag and grabbing him I decided to trip him on his face. He fell with a thud and the whole hallway laughed I grabbed my phone and walked off when I was half way down the hall back to where Pria and Sydni were also laughing I heard my name get called. I looked back and of course it was my first period teacher Mrs.Rim. She called me down to her.

"Mrs.Maya school hasn't even started and you and that boy are already at each other throats u know what they say when you hit on a boy and tease him that means you like him." At first I was agreeing with her about us being at each others throats but when she said something about me and Leon being together or having some 4th grade puppy crush I just stood there and stared at her like bish whet dafuq you talkin' bout? She trying to get me twisted

"Don't look at me like that you know what I'm talking about now get you behind in a chair so you won't be 10 minutes for class like usual." I did not want to go in her class alone so I called for Pria to come on to class and waved bye to Sydni but we have 2nd and 3rd period together so it was cool.

As me and Pria took seats we started talking but before class started and before she could finish I had to know who the hell that kiss was with.

"Ok yea yea you and Jj did blah but yo ass better tell me who that kiss was with or I'm not talkin to you or helping you all during first period." but I didn't get to here when the bell rang and Mrs.Rim started talking though, I could've sworn I had 10 minutes before class started the damn clock must still be broke from last year

Ok everybody remain in your seats I'll be right back I am just going to check on the yelling." Mr.Hank told us. Right after he left everyone started talking. I could hear people guessing what is was "rape, a fight, a prank, a fire and other stupid ideas only one of them was right. "There's a girl in the bathroom she was in a fight!" You could hear the girl scream from the hallway. As soon as the word fight left her lips every single class in that hall had students coming out. Most of the them dumb asses had phones. Like have some fucking respect and damn self control but then again I do go to "Ghettowood Highschool." That's what me and Vanessa named this school. "Worldstar time." Pria said flipping out her phone. "But we don't have the fight to post." said Vanessa. "So we can post the fucked up results of A fight" Vanessa agreed shaking her head up and down. We returned to class and Pria was replaying the video and laughing her ass off she fell off her chair twice. Mr.Hank still hadn't returned to the class so everyone was talking and laughing and replaying the video we they got on their phone. Keshia's boyfriend Christian was sitting next to Pria and out of no where he snatched Pria's phone out her hand and threw it at the clock breaking the phone and the clock.


That was before spring break and unfortunately Keshia transferred. It everybody remembers that.
I was disrupted from my thoughts of the weeks before spring break. I piece was slid under my butt and there one person that would slide a note there and it was Pria. While Mrs.Rim wrote the dumbest problem that I have her seen because I calculated the answer as soon as she wrote 3.14•x+d and many more other variable the answer was obvious when she wrote what is the limit next to the problem duh the limit does not exist anywho. I picked up the paper silently because surprisingly everyone was silent so the sound of rumbling paper would've alarmed Mrs.Rim about a note being passed. When I finally got it opened an smoothed out I could tell Pria was nervous about what she wrote by her handwriting. The words on the paper burned through my hands the five words I was praying she wouldn't say or "write" was on that paper.

"The kiss was with August" with a sad face drawn next to it. I wrote back "Are u fucking kidding me."

At the end of class Mrs.Rim decided to be nice since it was the first day back from spring break no homework. Shidddd that never happens she must've had a "hip breaking" spring if you know what I mean *wink wink*

When I leave the class a hand touches my shoulder at this moment I'm pissed beyond pissed so I decided to go down to the counselor's office to vent. Pria is looking at me and seems as if she is trying contemplate what to say.

"You don't have to say anything he likes you not me and you obviously took advantage of the opportunity behind my back so I don't give a fuck I'm not your mom and you can do what ever the hell you want it just won't include me anymore." I say looking her straight in in her eyes and I meant every fucking word I said. I know some people may think i was overreacting but she knew how I felt about August yet she kissed him and and didn't tell me

I turn around and leave for the counselors office the last thing I hear before anger rages over me is Pria standing behind saying "Maya please just listen."

I put up fingers saying deuces and step down the stairwell to the counselor


Hey sorry I haven't updated I'm feeling pretty good today so I might do a double update tonight Not all the things in this chapter is true I'm just trying to create a cool plot. Some people who read my previous book LOVE HURTS will recognize a certain part from the book in this one I couldn't think of anything and today is Thursday and I thought throwback Thursday looks go back a few months lol anywho enjoy vote comment and tell others and u might find out more earlier than usual (PIC OF PRIA TO THE SIDE)

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