Chapter 20: Chasing The Stars

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"Okay, boys, our work here is done. Come my son." Spade gestured to Choden.

He waved before leaving through an elevator and there was a rumbling coming from above. There was an explosion. We were going to die either way. 

"Run!" I tell them before knocking down the elevator door. 

I grabbed onto the chain and leapt down. I am not letting him go. My hands started to bleed and I kicked the top of the elevator open only to see both of them. I kicked Spade right in the gut and Choden ran off with the briefcase. Spade punched me but I twisted his arm and broke it. I ran after Choden and smashed his hand. Come on. A little closer. A little closer. I could see the doors set on fire and I knew I needed to be faster. Both of them started running after me. Felix, Claire, and Prince were right in their cars driving away and I ran through the door before Spade and Choden could make it and that's when a car spun towards me. 

The door opened and an old man faced me with a blazer and sun glasses.

"Hope I'm not too late." He smiled.

"No, Alpha, you're always on time." I chuckle.

But Spade made it. He shot and it hit me right at the side.

"Turn this car around right now!" Claire screamed.

Leaping out she grabbed her gun and fired six bullets to Spades leg. I got up and took out my F35 and fired at the guys from behind. Felix leapt out along with Prince trying to shield me from them. I ducked and collapsed onto the floor. Claire pointed the gun right at Spade's head but a bullet went right through her arm and then her leg. Prince and Felix fired away while Alpha helped. 

I was losing consciousness and I could see someone coming towards Claire. I got up with all the energy I had and shot him.

"Claire, you need to listen to me. Get up!" I yell.

"Trish, no! I'm not-" Felix grabbed her and I rolled over.

I could see Spade approach me and I smiled knowing it was all over for him but when he pointed to gun at me it wasn't me he hit, but someone else. I opened my eyes to see arms encircle me and I gasped. Choden.

Spades eyes went wide as he saw his son die.

"Son of a bitch!" He kicked him.

I picked myself up and fell over until Claire stepped right infront of me. Her face was covered in blood. But she held a gun right to his face and fired. A tear fell off her cheek and I pressed my hand against Chodens face.

"Why?" I breathe.

"I can't hurt someone who's helped me run away from my father. Thank you, Trish." He left.

"No! Hey! Wake up!" I shake him.

Damn, stupid blood.

I fall asleep.

Claire collapsed next to me and I could feel her hand over mine. Well, at least I'm not dying alone. 

It turned out Claire and I were exactly fifteen minutes away from dying. We both needed a blood transfusion, twenty eight stitches, she needed a cast, and I needed therapy for my leg. I hate these pain killers. I was currently on too high of a dose. Felix and Prince walked away with a couple bullets and some major scars. 

"I hate you. I hate you." I repeat to Jeremy.

"Now, Trish, lets look on the bright side." He poured some orange juice into the glass.

"Jeremy, please shut up." Claire glared.

"Now, girl, lets be kind to our fellow co workers." Jeremy said placing syrup on her tray.

"Coworkers my ass." I roll over.

Pain shot through my side and I screamed.

"I told you a thousand and one times not to do that! Do you ever listen?!" He said.

"Ahhh." I say rolling back.

"Shut up, Trisha!" Claire yelled.

"You shut up! If I had two good legs I would kick you right now!"

"If I had a good arm which I don't. Thank you very much I would slap you!"

"You wanna go huh?! Lets do it and take your stupid dog with you! Look at him smiling like an idiot!" I spit.

"Hey! Leave Calvin out of this! What abit yours huh?! Hes grown to be twice the size of mine!"

I got up and ripped the heart monitor off my finger. Claire got up and with her free hand stumbled over towards me.

"Hey! I can stand! Oh no." I felt myself fall back.

Prince caught me and Felix held Claire back.

"At least one of us can walk!" 

"Shut up! Shut up! If you just signed the damn fake documents like I told you!"

"If you didn't run after Spade like I said!"

"Everything would have gone to plan!" We yelled.

"Wait, what? Gone to plan?" Felix said confused.

We had a lot of explaining to do.

 Epilogue: Seven Months Later

After we filed the reports and went to court, we decided to go up to the top of a fancy restaurant in France. The media and the press were finally ready to handle the details and the board approved of all the evidence we placed into this case.It was nice and breezy and the sun was just setting. Felix and I looked at each other. I nodded. I got up and held the flowers behind my back. Felix got up and looked at Claire before dropping to one knee. She looked stunned.

"Clarisse Dayfield, these past few months 

have been the best days of my life. Will you marry me?" He asked.

"Yes! Yes! I will marry you!" She screamed.

A few men came around and started singing in French while they kissed and I threw the flowers at the back of Felix's head. I looked over the edge of the building and stared into the horizon. Prince placed his arms around me.

"You thinking again?" He asked.

"Yeah. It's a nice day today." I sigh.

"Yes, it is." He sounded worried.

"It's not over yet." I look down.

"No, it's not. But for now it is." He whispers.

"Is this the Titanic?!" I push him away.

He looked taken aback.

I smiled at him before bursting out laughing.

"Lighten up!" I say kissing him.

He smiled back.

Felix tapped my shoulder and I turned around tensed a little. We hadnt really talked much these few months so it was awkward when we planned this out.

"Talk for a second?" He asked.

I nod.

"I'm sorry-" we say at the same time.

I laughed.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you like that. I didn't hit too hard did I?" He asked.

I rubbed my nose before knocking him square in the jaw.

"Owwwww!" He moaned.

"All is forgiven!" Claire high fived me.

"I'm bleeding!" He said.

Prince rubbed his wrist.

"You're lucky." He walked away.

 I ran back and pulled Felix up. We laughed and then danced while the songs were still playing just the four of us til the stars came out and we still kept dancing.

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