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" Unnie!!! "

A familiar voice called me from behind. A very familiar voice.

I turned my head and saw my little sister running towards me.

I cant stop myself from smiling.
My little sister is soooooooo cute.
She's six years younger than I. A very large gap in our age. I'm twelve while she's on her six years of existence.

" U-unnie." She breathlessly called me while holding her knees.

I giggled on her cuteness and just watched her taking a breath.

" Come, Soojung. Sit here and take a rest. " I patted the space beside me. She obeyed me and took the space on the bench where I'm sitting. She's still catching her breath.
I patted her back, that I think would be help her to regain her energy.

" Aigoo. Why did you run anyway........ You can get here without running. "

" I love running. " she happily said while looking at me.
I can't help but to laughed at her silliness.

She love sports. She's a sporty kid while me, I love laying to where Place I could take a nap or sleep the whole day. I don't really like sports. I'm too lazy for that.

" Unnie. Lets go now inside. Its so cold here. " she said while hugging her arms.

" Can we just go back after five minutes? I still want to stay here. " she just stared at me then nod afterwards.

I took my Jacket off and put it on my sister's shoulder along with my arm. She move near me and put her arms around my waist to hug me.

" Unnie. Why you love to stay here in the bench every night? " she asked, completely hugging me in her small arms.

" Because, here's the perfect place for me to stargazed. Look up the sky. There so many stars. " I instructed her to looked up and she did.

" Yeah. So many of them. " she suddenly looked at me frowning, so i got confused. " but..... You don't like constellation. Unnie. So why do you like to stargazed?"

I frowned too. And remembered that, I'm not really fond of constellations.

" Yeah. You're right. I don't like constellation.... But I happened to like that one star. " I said, pointing to the sky. " and it was the reason why I'm here every night. "

" Which star? There so many of them. " she asked with a furrowed eyebrows.

" look to the North. You'll see a one star that separated to others and it was the brightest star in the sky. "

" Wait.....That... one? " she pointed her index finger to it. " The Brightest star? "

" Yap. The brightest among them all. That's what my teacher told us. The North star is one of the brightest star in the sky. So, I happened to like it and became my favorite because it was the star that I always seeing first , every night I looked up in the sky. "

My sister looked amazed.

" Why star have different size? And Why your star is looked like more bigger than the others? "

" I think, their size is according to their life span. My favorite star is one of the largest star. It's called Supergiant."

" Supergiant? "

" It's the type of stars. Stars is divided into five main groups according to their size. They're Super giants, Giants, medium-sized star, white dwarfs and lastly the neutron star. "

" Wow. You knew that? "
I just nod to her. Luckily I didn't sleep on my class when my teacher was discussing that.

" The two largest stars are the Antares and Betelgeuse. My star is Betelgeuse but I don't called it Betelgeuse because I personally picked a name for it. I must be crazy but yeah I gave my favorite star it's own name. "

Soojung chuckled on what I blurted out. It's fine though coz at least she didn't told me that I'm freak and a crazy sister of her.

" So........ What is the name you picked for your star, unnie?"

I know she's staring at me but i didn't look at her. I just answered her question.

" I named it....... Yoona."

" huh?....... Yoona?.. Why Yoona? "
I just stared on the sky while smiling.

" I named it Yoona. You knew who's Yoona, right? " I asked then she nodded so I continued " Yoona is my favorite actress. She's good in acting and a very kind person according to many netizens who saw her good deeds. And not just that, she's soooooO gorgeous too. So, I named it after her because Yoona and my star have the same features, gorgeous and brightest among the others. "

I haven't seen her in person but everyone says she's gorgeous not just in Television but also in person. I hope I could see her and take a selca with her. My mom and I really like her, we always watched her drama. She's the only artist who caught my eyes because even when you don't know her, just look at her and you'll know she was true to others And have a good heart. She looked like an angel too. ^_^

" Unnie...... Unnie....." I felt a small hand shaking my arm. So I looked to the owner of it and owned by my cute little sister.

" hmm? " I stared at her confusedly

" Unnie, you okay?.... I've been calling you but you're not paying attention and you were just smiling like a crazy.. " she pouted after she nagged at me.

Cute ^_^

" Mian. Soojung-ah. " I apologized while lightly pinching her cute chubby cheeks. " So what were you saying to unnie when she's not paying attention to you. "

" I asked if.......... Its true that when you wished on the star,..... It will grant your wish. "

I puffed my cheeks While thinking. I don't know actually, if it is true -.-

" Unnie is not sure. But, some say, its true. But People mostly wished on a falling star. Rather than the star that stay in the sky. "

" Falling star?... It's a Shooting star. Right? Mom told that to me"

" Yap. It is. "

" What about you unnie, you believe that your wish will be granted once you wished on a star or a shooting star? "

" Yeah. I believed on it. And I always wished on my star. You know, there's no harm in believing. Just try. Sometimes, you'll see yourself not just telling your wish to the stars but telling your secrets too and all your worries. Like it was your secret best friend. Star is a keeper. They wont harm you, they wont betray you and they wont tell to others your secrets. "

Aside from Fany who knew all of my secrets, Yoona, my favorite star know all of those secrets too. I really treated it as my best friend like Fany. Im not crazy okay. -.-

" Unnie. I want to have my favorite star too.... Can I... Can I.. Can I? " she said while blinking her eyes happily.

So cute. :-)

" Of course you can.... " I said then step off the bench. " Lets run back to the house! " I shouted while running, leaving her in the bench on our backyard. I turned to looked at her and she's running to me.
She surpass me. So, I run fast and held her hand and we run while laughing.

You're My Star?! (YoonSic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now