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What. The. F*ck!
I kissed her. I freaking kissed her!

I pulled back with wide eyes. I was probably shocked as she was or maybe even more. Our eyes met again. She lean slowly and I felt her soft lips collided with mine. All of my thought have gone in my head. She put her hand on the back of my neck and pulled me closely to her body that even air cant passed between us.

Her lips move against mine. She ran one hand through my hair and another one on my arm. I shivered on her touch. Turning my body into a burning flare. I softly kissed her back and felt my heart started to beat faster. I felt her hand on my side rubbing it slowly then her hand moved south rubbing my thigh, as she was about to lift my dress, I hesitantly pulled away from her. Not really wanting to.

Not really want? Gosh! Jessica!

I looked up meeting her eyes. I had lost the ability to speak. I looked on her lips, Her lips were swollen and her cheeks flushed pink. Like she was blushing. I'm sure. I am too.

" I-I-I'm s-so sorry, I shouldn't have done that.... That was out of the line. I don't know what came over me to do that. " she said sounded like a little out of breath.

I opened my mouth to speak but shut it again like a dumbfounded idiot woman.

I took a deep breath and stared on her again. " N-No.. Not your fault but m-mine. So, I'm sorry. " I shyly whisper, but I knew she heard me.

Her lips tugged up from straight line to a curve one.. She's smiling on me.

Those smile. Her smile were so beautiful.

I felt my heart beating faster and I think more louder this time.

Too busy thinking what is happening in my heart when I saw her staring at me. I instantly got lost in her intense gazed. Then unexpected things happened again. I closed the space between us. Until my lips were about an inch away from her. I then caught myself and shut my eyes tight. Really tight.

" Sh*t.... I'm sorry. " I said without looking at her. Im about to move away when hand pulled me and lips met mine again. Her lips moved on mine. And ghad! She. Was. Good. A good kisser indeed. I found myself kissing her again. I kissed her back. Our lips brushed against each other. Then she pushed me down on to bed and she's now on top of me and straddling me like what I did to her awhile ago. She pinned my hands above my head then intertwined our fingers. We shared a passionate kissed. Man! It's wrong!....... But.... Feel so right. She started to kissed my jaw and planted a small kissed on my right cheek. Then kissed me again on my lips. We kissed for a minutes before she decided to left my lips. I whimpered when she left and heard a giggled on my neck then felt my whole body tense. She started to leave a butterfly kisses on my neck and shoulder then back to my neck and licked it. I let out an involuntary moan when I felt her licking my neck. She immediately pulled back and within a second she was already standing at the door of this room with wide eyes and hand on her chest.

I remain on my position, too shocked to speak.

What.The. Actual Heck. How did she got there too fast? Did she fly or something like teleporting?

I stared at her and she has a mix emotion lingered on her face. She was kind of confused and scared.

Wait. What. Scared? Why would she be scared? Is she scared at me? D*mmit! I should be the one to feel scared.... She goddamn gone from straddling me to standing to the door. WHAT THE ACTUAL F*CK? How did she do that?

I heard her flicked her tongue before she turned her back on me and unlocked the door.

" You're just gonna leave me here? " I felt annoyed. Isn't she going to explain what just happened?

She stop. Without turning.

" Don't you think i deserved an explanation?!" I spat. Still annoyed and slightly angry on her attitude. " What are you waiting for. Start explaining to me! " my HELLSICA mode is already on.

She finally turned around but looking down on her feet.
Hellsica mode slowly faded on me. She sighed then clicked her tongue once again before speaking.

" You wouldn't believe me if I told you? " she said. Eyes still on her feet.

" why don't you try me? " I challenged her.

" You're just going to think that I am crazy. "

" Im not. So, just say it. "

" No, I don't want. " She lifted her head then looked at me.

" Will you just spill the bean out already. " I retorted on her.

" You'll think I'm crazy. " she retorted back.

Life is so unfair. Her face crumpled due to bickering but still gorgeous. So unfair.!

Her lips move upward and formed a smile

" Now that's crazy. " her smiled immediately faded.

" See. I knew it. You think I'm crazy. " she pouted.

So cute!! Err. What?? Geez!

" Who wouldn't think you're crazy? You're bickering to me awhile ago then suddenly you smiled without a reason. Isn't it crazy? Since when someone smiled on the middle of arguing? "

She pouted again.

D*mn. Stop pouting! I know you're cute but please stop doing it.. It's annoying because....... It looks good on you.

Her lips twitched, like she was holding back her smile. But immediately form a line after she sighed.

" Explain what happened. Please, just spill it. " I pleaded with my puppy eyes that no one can't say no to me once I did it.

" Fine. But remembered, you asked for it. " See. No one cant say no to me. Im a quite charmer afyer all..

It took her a minutes before she stared on my eyes then told me the most unbelievable thing I've ever heard. " I came from the star. " 

What the F***?

You're My Star?! (YoonSic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now