Laughing Hurts

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I heard a constant beep. I felt a mask cover my nose and mouth. My eyes fluttered open, and everything was blurry. I looked around hoping that my eyesight would adjust. My eyes settle on a silhouette of a 6ft boy with messy blonde hair. I tired to sit up. I sat up a few inches. I felt a searing pain come from my right ribs, and my head began to throb. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Then I heard the guy say, "you don't want to do that." He pushed me back down to a laying position. I removed the breathing mask.

"What happened?" my voice came out like a series of groans.

"You were in a car accident," said my best friend Spencer. My eyesight cleared and I stared at his blue eyes that had circle of green surrounding his pupils. I notice his left arm was in a sling, and he was wearing a hospital gown.

"Did I cause it?" my voice rumbled.

"Don't you remember what happened?" he said a slight laugh in his voice. The scene flashed into my head.

We were on our way to the movie theater. I sat in the passenger seat. We were laughing at a joke he just told. We were driving across an intersection when some idiot ran a red light and t-boned us. Then I realize something. That should've killed me. The big van hit right where I was sitting. At least I should be in a coma.

"Holy crap. How long have I been out?" I asked.

"Two days," he shrugs. "And boy do you look awful!" He laughed.

I try to raise my right arm to give him a small punch, but it stays.

"Ok be serious. What's the real damage?" I say.

"Well you broke your right arm, right leg, and a few ribs. Also you have a slight concussion," he lists off.

"And you only have a broken arm. You lucky duck."

"Well I was on the side off the truck that didn't get hit so ha!"

"Oh shut up. You made me sit in the passenger seat."

"It's my truck."

"You mean it was your truck. It's kind of totaled." We both laugh, but I have to stop. Only we can take a terrifying experience and turn it into a total joke. On a more serious note, "how am I not dead? Or in a coma?"

He takes a deep breath, "you're strong. Didn't even need surgery. Also the guy in the van only hit us at a speed of twenty miles per hour."

"Wow," was all I could say.

"Yep you're an impossible girl Leah he said smiling.

"Ha ha Doctor Who reference besides the Leah part," I giggled, but it hurt so I stopped and groaned.

He face showed concern, "are you ok? Do you need that nurse?"

"Nah I'm fine. Laughing hurts," I shrug.

"Oh no you're going to be like squidward! We're going to have to cut your laugh box! I'll have to donate part of mine!" He joked. He laughed, and I couldn't help but laugh too. Once again a horribly sharp pain erupted from my ribs.

"Ow!" I exclaimed. The beep sped up a little. I guessed that it was the heart monitor.

"Oops sorry. Got to quit cracking jokes or else I'll be kicked out of here," he said and sat in the chair beside my bed. "How ya holding up?"

"I'm just awesome. Despite the constant throbbing pretty much everywhere," I smirked.

"Yeah that'll happen," he smirked back.

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