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That explained the connection. Percy gave off one of those brotherly auras to me. It also explains why we look so much alike.

"Well...," Percy said getting over his shock. "Well now you're an honorary Seaweed Brain."

We all laughed as walked back towards the cabins.

It was shocking. Just absolutely surprising. I was claimed by Poseidon. This day was just too good to be true. I even had Spencer pinch me when I walked out of the water. Poseidon was my favorite Greek god. Just because of the fact that he was the god of the seas and I love anything to do with water.

"Gee I guess that explains the dyslexia. My brain's made of seaweed," I joked. We all laughed some more.

"Now we just need Spencer to be claimed," Annabeth said.

"Now I really can't wait. I'm dying to find out who it is," Spencer said.

"Anytime now," Annabeth assured.

Conch shells blew in the distance.

"Is that it?" I asked laughing. The others joined in.

"No that just means dinner," Annabeth giggled. "Spencer come with me and I'll show you where you need to go."

"See ya later," Spencer said and followed Annabeth.

Percy and I walked towards the dinning pavilion.

"So little sis," Percy said and smiled. "Haven't said that before."

"I haven't heard that before," I said.

"So why don't we get to know each other," he suggested.

"Ok you first," I shrugged.

"K. Your favorite color."

"Um... Aqua I guess. You?"

"Blue. My mom even does anything she can to make blue food."

"Why?" I laughed.

"Way back when. When my mom was married to a idiot. The idiot said that there's no such thing as blue food. So from then on she made any food she could blue," he explained.

I laughed, "ah the magic of blue food coloring."

We both laughed.

"How old are you?" he asked.

"I turned 16 two months ago, April 4th," I replied. "How about you?"

"I'm turning 18 in two months and two weeks."

"Let's see today is June 4th. In two months it'll be August 4th. Then add another two weeks that would be August 18th," I calculated.

Before he could answer we heard a thundering sound.

"Percy!" I heard someone holler. A boy gave Percy and bone crushing bear hug. "You're back!"

"Yes hi Tyson," Percy croaked. I couldn't help but giggle.

The guy let Percy go, and faced me. He had brown hair and eyes... no eye. One big one right above his nose.

"Tyson this is Leah Our little sister. Leah this is General Tyson of the cyclopes army," Percy introduced us. I held out my hand so we could shake hands. Instead he gave me a bone crushing hug.

"Yay! We have a little sister! But Percy she's the same height as you," Tyson exclaimed.

"And still growing," I smirked.

We all sat at table three. I looked over at Spencer who was sitting at table eleven with ten other people. He smiled at me. I smiled back. I looked around me at I could at camp. This was like a dream. Especially the part where the dad that I knew to be my dad wasn't my dad because apparently Poseidon was. Also I had these powers to control water and speak to horses.

Infinite Winter (Heroes of Olympus Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now