My Provider

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My claws dig deeper into the soil, rooting me in my spot so I don't do something stupid in his presence.

His head cocks slightly as he watches my body tremor with the restraint of keeping a safe distance. Every instinct I have is pressuring me; every nerve in my body starts screaming at me to go to this male. A male potentially made just for me. The logical side of me- the side that knows how young I still am- is the only thing keeping me grounded, but I can feel even that falling at his feet.

Having been so entirely lost in him and him alone, it isn't until he picks up the rabbit from his feet that I actually take notice of the warm meat. He proudly stalks closer to me, dropping the kill at my own feet. After taking a big chunk for himself, he leaves the meat alone and begins stalking circles around me, inspecting my form from just inches away. The noises that emit from his chest range from angry growls to soft purr-like vibrations as he scrutinizes me.

When he comes back to stand in front of me, his eyes are darker but I am not afraid. How stupid of me.

He glares down at the untouched meat, nudging it even closer to me. When I move to back away from it, his growl is what stops me. Without any more warning, he shifts instantly in front of me. My eyes drop to the ground immediately and I'm thankful for my fighting form that keeps me from blushing beet red.

"Eat, mate. You look starved. You need to eat," he commands. I can feel his glare on me but I still don't move to take the food. "Faith! I said to eat. You are starving yourself and as your mate, I refuse to stand by and let it happen. I can and I will provide for you, always. So suck it up and eat." His outburst soothes into what almost sounds like a joke. I wonder if he always is this moody? Or maybe I just bring it out of him. Whatever it is, I much prefer the teasing tone he uses over his disappointment and anger.

Although I have never eaten from anyone but my sister, I lean forward and finish off the rabbit, just for the off-chance that if I do, I'll get to experience more of his playful side. When I look up finally, I keep my eyes strictly on his face. My submission to his order becomes worth-while when I see a grin play on his lips. Before anything else can happen, the sound of the rest of the training group crashing through the underbrush towards us pops us out of our little bubble. Carver's features harden again just before he shifts back to his fur side and takes off running back into the territory. I stare after him for a few seconds before shaking myself out of whatever trance he always seems to put me in and sprinting off along the edge of the territory again, pushing myself harder than before in hopes that I can outrun my scattered thoughts.

~ ~ ~ ~

This is what it has come to.

Every time I go out for a run- whether it be for training, or for alone time, or even for running with my friends- he shows up the second I become alone. He brings me kills every time, slowly bringing meat onto the hips and ribs of my fighting form. I look less skeletal every day as I've apparently become his new project.

So this is all I do. My stress baking has taken over the counters of the kitchen, the middles of the dining tables, and the bellies of pretty much every pack mate here. Running with his wolf yesterday and then falling asleep in his arms while some dumb chick flick played didn't help either... Actually feeling him touch me and imprint more than ever is just a recipe for disaster because now I can barely even comprehend functioning a day without at least seeing him.

"Good morning, Beautiful," Carver suddenly whispers as he hugs me from behind. I jump slightly, not expecting him to even be awake yet. "What's got you stressed now?" He asks after giving me a peck on the cheek and then taking a bite of a blueberry muffin from the batch I just pulled out of the oven.

I blush slightly, still not used to his constant attention, let alone the physical affection he gives me. I turn away from him to hide my giddy smile and shift my attention to wiping down the counters and loading the dishwasher. "Why are you even awake this early?" I try to change the subject.

When I finally turn back to him, he has a knowing- and oh so cocky- smirk on his handsome face. God how is it even possible for someone to look so good at eight in the morning? The messy bed head he's sporting only adds to the sexy adorableness of him. Is that even a thing? God knows, but he's Godlike at any hour of the day. "I don't know how to explain it but... after last night it's like my wolf is more attuned to you. And this morning my eyes just kind of opened and I already knew you were awake and not in your room. And then I had to go find you to shut my wolf up," he smiles. The honesty in his excited voice sends butterflies on a rampage in my stomach.

"Oh so I only have your wolf on my side?" I tease, smiling just as stupidly back at him.

"Oh my little Faith," he rolls his eyes with a playful smile, setting his food back on the counter. "Just knowing you were out here...strutting around was enough to get me out of bed in seconds. And I may not be a morning person but I don't ever want to be away from you Faith. Last night only confirmed that you were made for me."

His reminder about my stupidity to jump into his arms at the first chance stirs remorse, even though his words and tone and face are perfect. Did I say face? Whatever, the point is that I can't rush into this when we might end up not being mates...right? "We...we can't let that happen again, Carver. The me sleeping thing..." I say breathily despite my attempt to sound as serious as I am. I lean against the counter opposite him to try and find something to steady myself.

"Okay so next time, I get to sleep," he grins, walking into my space and caging me against the counter.

My breathing becomes even more shallow instantly at his proximity, something he happily takes note of. He feeds off of my weakness to him, leaning in closer so his lips are hovering just over mine.

"Carver..." I mean to warn, but the name comes out breathless and almost...seductive. Oh my god, what is he doing to me? He shudders slightly in response to my tone, closing his eyes as if to take it all in. If I didn't know any better I'd say he was wondering the same thing as me...but I do know better, which means I know that there is no way in hell that a little girl like me could affect this male the way he does me.

He's seen girls much prettier, much more confident. He's probably kissed girls far more suited to his style than I ever could be.

The thought of him even touching another girl plants a knot in my stomach, and just like that the moment is ruined for me.

I gently push him away from me and then exit the kitchen without another word. Not even the adorably confused look on his handsome face is enough to get me to stay.

Mr. Complicated (Sequel to Mr. Possessive)Where stories live. Discover now