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Sage's POV

"I want all the food set up on the eastern side of the field! Keeps the lids on, what are you doing!" The male I am currently glaring at quickly drops the lid in his hand and runs back inside, practically tripping over his own feet.

My breath hitches as I feel warm hands snake around my waist. Butterflies erupt in my stomach as tingles spread from everywhere his skin meets mine. I have to fight the urge to close my eyes as he leans down to brush his lips over my ear.

"You look very sexy out here, being all bossy," He mumbles, pulling me tighter against him.

"You're distracting me," I grumble, very little conviction in my voice.

"I've hardly seen you since this morning when Rosa stole you from me...we never did get to finish where we left off," He growls lowly, the vibrations in his chest vibrating my back. I attempt to subtly squeeze my thighs together, desperately trying to ignore my body's response to his mere voice.

"Perhaps we should go makeup for lost time?" He purrs suggestively, his fingers curling into my hips.

"I have to finish helping set up," I practically whine, my face immediately turning red with embarrassment.

He gently turns me around, bringing my lips to his. His lips are warm against mine, immediately igniting a fire in me. When his tongue caresses mine, I know I can't say no to him.

"Someone else can set that stuff up. But, you're the only one that I can do this to," He grins, hands sneaking into my back pockets and pulling me flush against him so that I can feel exactly how much he wants me.

"There are prying eyes here," I whisper to him, leaning into him more with my own smirk.

He glances past me, his grin widening before he yells out, "Nothin to see here! Back to what you were doing!" I wince, given that he yelled literally right next to me ear, and when he notices, he quickly apologizes and kisses my neck gently.

"Anyway," He gives me a boyish grin, his cleanly shaven face adding to the façade of innocence, "Now that those eavesdroppers have been taken care of..." He quickly tosses me over his shoulder, making me scream out. As he jogs inside, the laughter coming from me is uncontrollable. As we near the preschool where Amara is being watched and taught, Mason shushes me with a slap on the ass. I try to stifle my laughter with my hand so as not to draw her attention our way, but I do enjoy seeing her dancing along with her teachers if even for the briefest moment.

"What happened to party planning?" Carver shouts up the last flight of stairs after Mason and I, a large sandwich in his hand and a worried look on his face. 

"You handle it!" Mason yells back, making me giggle again as he bounds along. I briefly catch Faith's eye before Mason rounds the corner at the top of the stairs and enters our section of the house.

His pace slows after we're safely inside our room with the door locked. After tossing me on the bed, he falls next to me with a huff. "Why is our room on the fourth floor?" He groans. I can't help giggling at him. I turn onto my side to face him, swinging my leg over his waist and leaning up on my elbow.

"You're a trooper," I tease him, kissing his cheek. He opens one eye to look at me, and when he sees me smiling, he leans up to catch my lips with his own. His hands guide me to straddle his waist, gently coaxing me to rock against him. He moves on to my shirt, eager fingers lifting the material to expose my skin to him. I moan into his mouth, encouraging him further. It doesn't take him long before he growls at my slow, teasing movements and flips us over, quickly abandoning my remaining clothing items. Before long, though, we are both lying side by side again, or chest heaving and skin sticky, smiles on both our faces.

Mr. Complicated (Sequel to Mr. Possessive)Where stories live. Discover now