Doodle video

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So, after dealing with several technical difficulties, I finally managed to upload this video onto YouTube! If you're wondering what it is, it's 20 minutes of my awful voice talking about old drawings from a couple years ago. I'm not used to talking, and I was nervous anyway, so I sound very quiet and my voice sometimes wavers awkwardly. Just keep the volume up loud enough, I guess. Hopefully you can make out what I said...

Yes, the thumbnail is a Lenny Mii, don't judge me.

Anyway, I mentioned the blasters in the video, so check this part out maybe afterwards or something? Or not, whatever. So, I headcanon that Gaster and Pap can make one big blaster each. As in, they gather up a bunch of energy and let it all loose in one go. With Sans, I thought it'd be interesting if he also inherited blasters, but instead of one big one, he can create multiple smaller ones. I thought it would give him another similarity to the real Sans, and it makes it so he wouldn't just waste all his magic in one shot and pass out like a lazybones.

But yeah, if I mentioned anything else I wanted to elaborate on, I probably forgot, so feel free to ask questions about certain pictures! I'll try to answer to the best of my ability~!

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