Sanders Sides Dream

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So last night, I had a dream where I was Thomas and I was hosting a giant party for a bunch of people. Idk why, but whatever. Anyway, I'm typing this while it's still in my head. If you haven't seen the Sanders Sides videos, there's name spoilers. That's... really the only warning needed, so let's go!

Ok, so the main thing I was trying to do was gather up the Sides so they'd get on this giant stage in the backyard like everyone else was doing. But first, I guess I did a practice round by myself. I had to give everyone a heart bead or whatever it was, and it was color coordinated by how that person is. Each person had to get one. Eventually I got to the Sides. Roman with red, I think Patton got blue, Logan got green? (or switch those around, I can't remember too well), and Virgil got black. This made me a bit upset since there were purple beads in the bag. Well, I head inside and tell everyone to head on out. Everybody does so, except Virgil who has chosen to hide in the bathroom to avoid interaction with so many people (the amount kept changing, but I think there were like around 50 people? More or less?). Ok, gotta get Virge to get out there too. I knock and ask if he's alright, he just makes a sound. Does he wanna come out and join everyone? He'll be out soon (not really). So I say, for some reason, "Y'know, they're making me give you a black bead. But you deserve a purple one." Silence. I just smile and walk off. Cut past the "handing out beads" thing. As I'm heading back inside with the others, a lady starts badmouthing Virgil for being so antisocial. I turn around and say that he does his best, he's had anxiety his whole life and that she shouldn't say such bad things about him behind his back. I then march off to the house to eat cake. The Sides are back in their rooms, doing their own thing instead of eating cake. I remember trying to call Roman in there cause I could see him on the computer or something. "Hey Rome. Roooome. Ro- ROMAN GET SOME CAKE!" He told me to wait, he'll be right there. I'm assuming Patton already got some and Logan was off somewhere, but I saw something moving towards the cake. Virgil. I walked over, preparing to ask if he'd like to eat his cake in another room with me so he wouldn't feel so anxious...



So yeah, that was my dream.

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