Where to now?

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"Son wake up. Hello?"
I heard a somewhat familiar voice trying to wake me.
"Dad?" I slowly open my eyes to see an older man hovering over me.
"oh...hello?" I sit up and rub my eyes.
I seem to have fallen asleep against the wall of what seemed like a gas station?

"Son whats your name?'
I look up at him tiredly. "Will..."
"Well, Will, I'm gonna have to ask you to go find somewhere else to sleep boy. Can't you read? No Loitering!"
I sit there for a moment and look around at my surroundings, I dont even rememeber walking over here. I mustve been worn out big time.
The man snapped his fingers in front of my face "Boy are you listening?! This aint no homeless shelter."

I look at him then quickly get up "Y-Yes sir! My apologies..."
I started walking, I had no clue where I was gonna go though.

I got yelled at by a few more store owners for just hanging around, but thats the thing...where else am I supposed to go?
The last guy chased me into an ally way where I decided to stay for awhile.

I was now curled up in between two trash cans, hugging my knees to my chest. What do I do? Maybe this is where I belong, the trash.
dad was right....Im useless.
crying and complaining was all I ever did, and thats exactly what i'm doing right now.
I sometimes wish I was never born, I wish...I was gone,  I wish I didnt exist.

"Im so pathetic." I say to myself


I hear a low growl from the other end of the ally way...I peak my head over the trash can to see what was causing the growling.
A dog...a big dog, coming this way.
I slowly get up stumbling over my feet a bit and try to sneak away.
I look back to see if it had noticed me.

It was staring straight at me....growling, its big sharp teeth showing. If that dog got ahold of me, i'd be dead meat!
I back away slowly, it inches closer and Barks loudly before taking a running start right at me.
I run the other way, I run as fast as I could, fear taking over my entire body.
"Bill!' I hear myself call out my brothers name and break out into tears as I run away from the big dog chasing me.

Bill can't help you now, its up to you to protect yourself.
I hurry and jump a nearby fence getting my sweater caught and ripped on my way over.

Theres a forest over the fence, I keep running and running until I ended up tripping over a log right into a giant muddy puddle.
I sit there gasping for air while also trying to hold back the mental breakdown I was about to have.

"Bill! Bill!!" I yell as tears stream down my face. "Brother Please!"
I cry into the sleeves of my now wet and muddy sweater.
"Please....I need you."
"I cant do this anymore..."

Night was inching closer, I decided to sit up onto the log I had tripped over.
I sat there staring down at my feet, I had mud and dirt all over my face not to mention my eyes felt strained and puffy due to all the crying I had done.

As the night rolled in, the temperature began to drop.
I was freezing.

I clenched my fists and thought about dad...
"useless...I'll show him useless!" for once in my life I actually felt the sweet sensation of rage which lit up a spark.
Not only a spark inside me but a one in my hands too.

Two bright yellow flames illuminated in my hands.
"I did it..." 'Heh! I d-did it!"
I set a pile of branches near me on fire for warmth.

If I were to die right now, I think I'd die satisfied knowing I actually accomplished something for once...

I looked up at the moon "Goodnight Brother..."

"Goodnight William..." I looked up at the moon and sighed. "I hope youre okay."

"see you soon..."

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