Alike Yet Different

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10 years later

I hear him scream before being wrapped up in his arms and being squeezed and slung around.

"Ugh,Bill l-let me go."  I struggle to get away from him but,he puts his arm around my neck and pulls me towards him giving me the biggest Noogie I've ever had.

"Awe come on Little Bro!"

"You know I was only b-born three minutes a-after you,It doesn't give you the r-right to call me your little brother."

"I know but I came out first so it makes me older!"
He pushed me away and ran off

It's been Ten Years since our mother passed and we're now living in the country with our father.
It's nice out here,it's quiet and calming just the way I like it.

I'm very insecure and laid back and don't like to be around many other people
Unlike my brother Bill whose wild and loud and likes to pick up bugs and throw them at me.
Ugh I hate bugs

Me and him were very different,but also very alike at the same time
Like you could tell we were twins by the way we look
We have the same hairstyle just different colors
And our faces look exactly alike except ones usually smiling,and ones usually not. And we both wear the same eyepatches that both cover our left eyes.

"Hey will! Look!"
I look up to see Bill hanging upside down from a large tree limb

"Hehe! My head Hurts!"

"Bill! G-get down from there,y-your gonna fall!"

"Wha- AGH!"
I look away and hear a loud thump
I look back at him,he's now on the ground,pants less.


He quickly gets up
"Agh! My pants!"

We both look up to see bills shorts hanging from the limb.

"My pants.." He smirks "don't worry I got this!"
He starts climbing up the tree

I sigh and watch him
He gets back up onto the limb and grabs his shorts.

"Haha! Victory!" He stands up on the limb feeling victorious.
He wobbles around and falls off the limb
"Agh not again!"
"Bill!" I yell and look away,but this time there was no thud.
I look back at him,and see him floating an inch or two off the ground

"Bill,your f-floating!"

"Yeah,it seems I am!"
"I learned how to float!!"

As young,growing demons we get excited over the littlest tricks
Most demons learn how to use there powers about our age but were a little slow,especially me,bills learned how to spark a flame,shapeshift and now how to float.
I can barely spark any flame and can't shapeshift,but oh well Ill learn eventually

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