Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I roll over and groan into the debris-covered ground. My forehead presses into the ground and I grit my teeth. "Ada, are you okay?"

I take a second to shake my head, immediately regretting the sharp movement. Pushing off the ground, I look up, moving my eyes between Eve and Auggie. They move to help me and I wave them off, pushing myself up until I'm sitting up with my knees pulled up to my chest. I rub at my eyes, head pounding.

"What...was that?" I begin to massage my temples and Eve and Auggie look at me with pity.

"That was the sedative-induced dreams we were telling you about." Eve explains while August pulls me to my feet.

I look about at the others and notice their alert and concerned gazes. "Why aren't the two of you not squinting in pain like I am? And to think of it, the three of you seemed fairly fine after waking up from my test."

I narrow my already squinted eyes and tilt my head. August and Eve look at each other as Lincoln walks off and they seem to have a silent conversation. When they look back to me, I raise my eyebrows. "We had minor headaches, but they only lasted a few minutes."

I look to August, waiting for his explanation but he remains silent. "Then how are you fine now?"

"I, well," He runs a hand through his hair and struggles for words. "My headache from Eve's test went away half an hour ago."

"Half, half an hour ago?" I clutch my head, cradling it between my hands. "How do you mean?"

"I mean that Lincoln and I woke up nearly forty-five minutes ago." Auggie holds my shoulders as I sway a bit. "When you didn't wake up, we asked the post-and to our surprise- it answered. They said that you were waking up during Eve's test and they had to up your sedative dosage. They said you would wake up eventually..."

I rub at my eyes, his words becoming too much to process. "You think the upped dosage is why my headache is so severe?"

Auggie nods and leans in, looking into my eyes. "Your eyes are awfully dilated, you'll have to cover your eyes when we leave the cavern."

"Come on, we need to head out soon if we expect to find a good place to stop. I'd say it's about three-something in the afternoon." Lincoln calls back into the narrow space we're in. I turn and look, just barely able to see him from where he is near the entrance of the cavern.

August rolls his eyes and I swat his arm. "He may be a terrible human being, but he has a point."

Eve snorts and August gives me a look. "I heard that." Lincoln says.

"You were meant to." I glare in the direction of the entrance, hoping he can feel the heat of my stare.

"Ada, are you okay to leave?" Eve sets a hand on my shoulder and cocks her head to the side. Even just seeing someone else move their head sends a wave of pain through mine.

I clutch my temple and clear my throat. "Yes, I'm fine." I feel August's hand on the small of my back and I give him a strained smile. "Let's go."

The three of us make our way out of the cavern to meet Lincoln out in the open. I manage to spot the piece of rebar that caught my hip on the way in before I hit it and form a matching bruise on my other hip. A few more turns and tight squeezes and I find myself shielding my eyes and turning my back to the sun.

"Cursed stars!" I mutter, "I didn't realize how bright it was going to be." August and Eve maneuver around me to get out of the entrance to the cavern.

"I tried to warn you." I can visualize the grin on Auggie's face as he looks back at me through the amusement in his voice.

I purse my lips and my brow furrows. "Uh-huh." I hold a hand over my eyes, shielding them from the harsh light.

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