Chapter 4

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Oddly enough, the whole 'faerie' thing never detracted from my studies. As the weeks flew by, I grew used to my unusual classmates, as did Navdeep, Imani, and Jen.

"I just can't believe it! I just can't!" Jen said, three days after my original discovery. It took her a week, which she was exceedingly irritated about, citing how observant she usually is.

"I usually pick up everything, somehow I completely missed that my school is full of supernatural creatures! They didn't even try to hide it either, and I was blissfully unaware for an entire goddamn week!" Jen continued.

I was going to assure her that it was okay, and that according to Nazir, everyone figured out at their own pace, but Jen began speaking again before I could get a word out, "Our professor is an imp! A goddamn imp, Cara! I thought Dereck and Matthew were making fun of his height, but he is actually, a motherfreaking imp!"

I nodded slowly, waiting for her to finish.

"He's green too! At first I thought he was just pale before, but nope, he's green! Like a frog! How did I miss the fact that he was green?"

"The pamphlet says that our minds perceive what we believe. We didn't believe in faeries before now, but when something tipped us off, our minds adjusted to compensate for the difference," I quoted.

"You really love that pamphlet don't you?" Jen shook her head.

"It was really helpful. So was the online interactive course. It only takes three hours," I told her.

"How are you over it already? It's only been three days for you, right?" Jen asked, baffled.

"It's strange, you're right. I guess I just got used to it quickly. Then again, I'm trying to concentrate on my studies, and not the fact that my classmates are all magical, immortal, fairytale beings."

"That's a good attitude to have," Jen considered, "do your roommates know yet?"

"Navdeep knows, but it's taking everything she has in her not to spill the beans to Imani, she's been dropping hints all over the place," I said.

"I don't get it, why can't we just tell people?"

"Because it's important that everyone finds out by themselves. The pamphlet says that the adjustment period will be easier that way," I reminded her.

"God I really should read that pamphlet shouldn't I?" Jen asked.

"Don't forget about the online interactive course," I joked.


There were three basic rules with dealing with faeires. The official pamphlet lists them as such:

Number 1: Do not give them your name. If possible, find a nickname, or use Ainsel, a common pseudonym for humans looking to hide their identities from faeries.

Number 2: Do not make bargains with them. This includes favors as well. If they do something for you, they will expect something in return, and you will not like the price you pay.

Number 3: Do not meet them on their own terf. Faeries are more powerful in their realm, a realm called Faerie. They can use powerful magic to charm you into bending to their will. They can also deceive you using glamours, making them appear as something they are not. Of course, faeries can do this outside of their realm, but the power is far weaker, especially if you know how to counteract it.

Which lead me to another important lesson: how to counteract faerie magic. Rowan berries work, apparently in peculiar there are jewelry shops that sell rowan berry necklaces and earrings. Another thing that works is salt, faeries hate salt. If you wear your clothes inside out, then you are immune to their magic as well (usually just turning your socks inside out is effective). All of these charms will make sure you are safe from dangerous faerie magic, and is completely harmless to the faeries around you.

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