-New Snap from gayerthangerardway-

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-New Snap from gayerthangerardway-

gayerthangerardway: hey

frnkieromustdie: hi?

gayerthangerardway: whats up?

frnkieromustdie: I'm sorry. Who are you?

gayerthangerardway: a nightmare dressed like a daydream

frnkieromustdie: is that...Taylor swift lyrics?

gayerthangerardway: ...maybe

frnkieromustdie: seriously. Who are you?

gayerthangerardway: just a man. Not a hero.

frnkieromustdie: omg what is your name thsn

gayerthangerardway: my name is Gerard. You're Frank, right?

frnkieromustdie: yea I am. How did you get meh snappppp

gayerthangerardway: someone gave it to me.

frnkieromustdie: who???

gayerthangerardway: just someone

frnkieromustdie: but who??? I need to know

-Snap opened-

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