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Currently in the dining area outside.I am looking for a so called 'Watson' to aid my boredom on this holiday. It is full of very young children and old people.Also a lot of Russian speaking families,a couple German.I haven't seen anyone British yet.In the heat my hair dries up really fast and becomes rather frizzy,the saltwater makes it quite rough and course.The heat is less intense in the vast sitting room next to the lobby.It is quite grand-with leather sofas and antique divans one which one could perch when exhausted. Also a piano stands in the middle with a red,velvet covering,rugs with intricate flowers designs that look like they haven't been hoovered in a while.Despite the cleaner's best efforts,there is still sand on the red tiles,plush seats of yellow chairs and quite frankly in every little crack of the place. I already spoke of the empty cabinets in the sitting room- large,wooden ones with black handles and designs.They fit perfectly with the whole interior however I find that they stand out because of their emptiness,making you itch with desire to put a book or two on its shelves.Someone left a green drink of the table-it looks quite while and appears to be a mix of several beverages that are provided in the restaurant below.Little material to make deductions from-the whole room is quite clean,despite the occasional sand,one of the pictures on the right wall still bears a yellowed price tag at the side of its golden frame. Cheap fake plants,identical and purple take their place upon nearly every surface except the book cabinets,they stand dusty, still and unchanging.I,for one, do not possess a great liking to fake flowers.One curious thing about one the flowers is the pot- round and handcrafted from a coconut and as decoration posses real dried seaweed.There are stairs facing one of the large,black pained window that overlooks the sea and balcony,precisely 13 large steps.Alike to a pool's they are aquamarine in colour,beige at the edges with green,red and white patterns.All over the hotel there are signs of how dangerous the stairs are- 'tripping hazard' and 'warning slippery surface'.These steps however,being the grandest are the perfect place for a murder to get away unsuspected.

Rich heiress coming to the hotel is found lying in a pool of her own blood at the bottom of the lobby stairs in the morning.

There are windows that lead outside,directly onto the balcony however the thick cream coloured drapes are lowered at about ten at night. After 11 pm the woman who stands at the reception desk changes to a man in large glasses.He sits in a small room behind the reception desk and only comes out when the bell is rang.There is a small entrance at the side,between the lobby and the sitting room,that cannot be seen from the reception.I have not yet espied a camera in the sitting room, there is only two at the entrance of the lobby,one facing the entrance,other the reception desk.A murderer could have lured the ill fated countess into the lobby or she was there by chance.He entered through the side entrance that cannot be seen by the receptionist and pushed her down the stairs.Then disappeared back,without descending.There is a carpet at the side entrance,it was misplaced as he made his getaway.The receptionist didn't hear the heiress's cry as he was in the small room at the time.


Also there is a board with all of the staff there. Names,ages and where they could be found at what time.I have memorised most of it.

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