I'm Sorry

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At night (still the same day)

What is this thing? I hold up the key to examine it. The bow is in a shape of a crown. What could this mean?

"Maybe crowns mean like royalty or something?" Uncle Tony said.

"Royalty?" I asked, feeling confused.

"Since you found it in the library, maybe it's something related to books?" He said.

"Like a genre maybe? Fantasy? Fairy tales?" I said.

"Maybe... You're gonna have to go to the library again.

"Hmm ok... I'm gonna go sleep now," I yawn.

"K good night kiddo."

"Good night!"

The Next Day

I woke up and got ready. I changed and did a little make up.

(You changed into this)

I went downstairs to grab a granola bar and went to school

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I went downstairs to grab a granola bar and went to school. I met Peter at the gate and went in together.

"Hey was yesterday all about?" He asked.

"Umm I don't know..." I lied. The guilty feeling was back again. I always have that feeling when I lie to him. What am I going to do when this is all over?

"I think I'm gonna look out for them. They might cause trouble. I'm gonna go patrol around the city today."

"Um ok..."

"Are you ok?" He asks.

"Yea... By the way, I will be in the library during lunch later."

"Ok" Just then the bell rang.

"Cya!" He said and I just smiled at him.

I walked to my class. I thought about what Peter said. If he is going to pay extra attention on them, he might find out about my true identity. I better be careful.

*time skip to lunch*

It was finally lunch time. I couldn't pay attention in class all day as I was anxious to find out about the key. The bell rang and I rushed out of the classroom. I made a beeline for the library.

Once I reached, I immediately went to the Fantasy section, holding the key in my hands. I flipped through every book, searching for a picture of the key or the crown.

30 minutes had passed, a stack of books started piling up beside me as I sat on the floor flipping through every single page of every book.

As I stood up, my hand hit a book and it fell off the shelf. The pages opened up as I bent down to pick it up. And there it was... The book I was looking for...

The page showed a picture of a prince with the exact same crown on his head. I picked up and looked at it. I decide to borrow the book and bring it home.

As I put the other books back, two figures appeared at the corner of my eye. It was Peter and Ned.

"Woah... what happened here?" Peter asked.

"Are you gonna borrow all of that?" Ned asked, looking at the pile of books.

"No, I was just looking for this book," I said as I held the book up.

"Ok..." Peter and Ned said at the same time. They must think I'm crazy.

"Come on let's go," I said after I finish putting all the books back onto the shelf.

*time skip to after school*

"I'm gonna go patrol the city now. Cya!" Peter said.

"Ok be careful," I said. I kissed him and he ran off. I decided to go back to read the book

At the Stark Tower

I sat on my bed, reading the book. It's a story about a prince on a quest to fight a hydra. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to hours. I sat on my bed, engrossed in the world of the story book.

After I finished reading, the sky was already dark. I was about to get up to go downstairs to get some food when I heard a knock on the bedroom window.

I opened the window to see Peter in his Spider Man costume.


"Hey," I said as I slowly took off his mask. He leaned in and we both kiss.


We both pulled away after we heard the sound of metal hit the floor. Shit. I dropped the key. Peter picked up the key.

"What is this?" Peter asked.

"Nothing!" I said as I snatched the key back.

"Well where did you get that?"

"It was a gift..." I lied. Wow that was a terrible excuse.

"Is this about yesterday? The people at school talking about the key?" He asked.

"No..." I looked down.


"Ok fine. Yes," I admitted. He looked at me with worried eyes.

"U/n... If the people find out that you have the key, they're gonna hurt you... What if they do someth-"

"Peter I can protect myself. You don't have to worry about me," I assure him.

"Ok but you promise me you will stay safe. Don't do anything dangerous ok?"

"Ok..." I said. I'm sorry but I can't keep that promise...

We both fell asleep on my bed. He hugged me close and didn't let go. I feel so guilty. I'm sorry Peter...

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