two am | 2:00

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Present time

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Present time

"I'm here!" I panted, running towards the table where Headmaster Makarov was sitting. He was a short, old man, and he was leisurely flicking through a magazine. As soon as he heard my voice, he scrambled up (though height wise, there wasn't much difference) and slammed the magazine shut. Yet the picture of a girl in a rather revealing bikini glinted upwards.

"I won't tell the others that you're late if you don't tell anyone about the magazine," Headmaster Makarov rambled, quite desperate.

I paused. "Late? I'm thirty minutes early!"

"It's ten-thirty! The walk started an hour and a half ago! You call that early?"

I pulled out my leaflet and showed it to him, pointing to the crossed out time. "It clearly states here that—"

Makarov shook his head, before falling back into his seat. He was becoming increasingly angry. "Who would do such a thing?"

"It's okay," I reassured him. "If I walk extra quickly, I can perhaps catch up..."

Headmaster Makarov nodded in agreement. "Then hurry, girl! Beat those idiots."


Five hours later, yet there was still no sign of anyone else. I'd forgotten to pick up the orienteering map as well, so I was lost. In Magnolia Forest.

Think. All around me were trees. I'd followed a path, and now it had split into two. Right or left? Groaning in frustration, I hid behind a bush, dropped onto the floor and straightened out my legs.

"Heartfilia-san!" Someone called. I blinked; I hadn't known I'd fallen asleep. "Heartfilia-san!" The feminine voice called again, but this time with a different timbre.

I was about to stand up, but the bush opened up, framing a salmon-haired boy. He gave out a hand, and a wave of nostalgia passed over me. I shook my head. The boy's not coming back for you, Lucy. Get a grip.

Thanking him as I stood up, two other girls came beside him — Levy, and a girl with short, white hair.

"Phew!" The salmon haired boy breathed a sigh of relief. "We were looking all over for ya, blondie."

"S- Sorry for the trouble I've caused," I mumbled.

"That's okay," The white haired reassured. "We're just glad we've found you! I'm Lisanna Strauss!"

Grinning, I replied, "I'm Lucy Heartfilia. And you are..." I looked towards the salmon-haired boy.

"I'm Natsu Dragoneel!" For some reason, my heart sank when he didn't say "Salamander".

"We better hurry for the coach," Levy said. "We might miss it!"

Nodding, we dashed towards the path on the left, the wind caressing my cheek as I ran past. Natsu and Lisanna were running beside each other, laughing at a joke they must've shared.

I smiled sadly.

I hoped to find my Prince Charming soon.


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