nine am | 9:00

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Present time

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Present time

Natsu's smile was the biggest I'd ever seen. "You finally noticed!"

He was chanting my name over and over again, tasting it on his lips.

"Please stop screaming 'Luce'! My neighbours will tell me off!" Secretly, I enjoyed the sound of my name in his mouth. "A-anyways, are you going to tell me the truth, or what? Why did you keep it a secret?"

Natsu finally calmed down and seated himself on the sofa. "I thought you were with Sting," he shrugged. "Lisanna finally knocked some sense into me though."

I raised an eyebrow. "And the real reason? Why didn't you tell me as soon as you saw me?"

Natsu looked away guiltily. "It was Gray's game. He told me if you figured who I was by yourself, then he'd approve of our relationship. Erza would be the one to judge, and she's scary." His face darkened at the mention of her name.

"Wait — so everyone knew about this?!" I screeched.

"Well," Natsu hesitated, rubbing the back of his neck. "To be honest, you could've just asked any one of us," he pointed out. "You decided to take the long route, and that took a whole month!" He whined.

Pouting, I wrapped my arms over my knees. Natsu sat behind me, and cuddled my body in his arms. "I'm glad, Luce. I thought I was the only one who liked you during that evening. But... I kinda read your diary...?"

"You what?!" I shot upright and grabbed the diary, huddling it in my chest in a protective stance.

Natsu smiled cheekily. "It was cute."

"It was cheesy," I corrected, cheeks flaming.

"Yes, some parts," Natsu didn't bother lying. "But I enjoyed it."

I rolled my eyes. "Stupid."

Natsu cupped my chin. "Do you still love me?" He asked seriously, and despite the situation, I almost could of laughed.

After all of that, he still didn't get the picture.

So without answering, I placed my lips on his. Warmth flooded through every part of my body, igniting every cell. The sensation was sweet, and hot, and desperate. Three years of waiting, and this was what I'd waited for.



Spikes of ice and frost pointed towards the air, set out like candles on a birthday cake. Natsu's scarf was wrapped around both of us, his arms wrapped around my shoulders as we watched the snow-capped mountains.

The view was beautiful, capturing every one of my breaths.

"Wanna come here every year?" Natsu asked, his voice a whisper and only meant for me.

"Definitely," I agreed, and pulled him in for another kiss.


Too... many... sloppy... kisses....

why do I only write cringe books, I need a life.

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