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Jason didn't seem like a threat,but had to be sure before he returned,i decided to put the stuffed toy up on a shelf.I didn't know where jason had gone to so i went downstairs with everyone else.I heard you ran into the toymaker and now he's stalking you,is that true?"a voice behind me said,i turned around to face whoever was talking to me.Hoodie stood behind me,"Well is it true?"he said,i nodded my head,"Well,stay away from him,he's nothing but trouble"he said,"I'll try"i replied."what do you mean you'll try,he'll fucking kill you if you don't stay away.I trembled at the thought of being murdered by him,"Well it's like you said,he's stalking me,he left a note and stuffed toy in my room,didn't masky tell you?i said.Didn't tell him what?,i heard masky say from behind me,"About the note and toy from jason"i said,"Masky shook his head,"the only one i've told is the operator"he said
Well thats it for now,hope you enjoyed it

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