Chapter 34

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Third Person P.O.V

Peter was fighting the temptation to keep Amy asleep until morning. His rage was boiling uncontrollably, overpowering his mind until his only desire left was to hurt someone. To torment them and merely chuckle as they begged him for mercy. He couldn't do it to his shadow, as it had pointed out. But this measly little town was swimming with people who deserved to be punished.

He stared down at her, cradled in his long arms. It would be easy to just slip out of the house while Amy slept. Then he could just wake her up whenever he got back. If Jefferson kept true to his word, they'd be gone first thing in the morning and she'd never see any of these people again and find out.

It would calm him down. It always did. He'd already done it to different men who had in some way hurt her and he immediately felt better afterwards, though she gave him hell for it. He even made sure his victim here was the Blue Fairy because she led Amy to Wonderland in the first place, making both of their lives much harder than needed.

Then there were the many times he had killed or in some way tortured even before she came into his life. Every realm had people that needed to pay.

He shifted Amy out of his arms and back into her place on the bed. He had been going to set her down and get up, without looking back. But the moment he stood, a soft whimper came from her.

He froze, wondering for a moment if she had somehow woken up. He slowly turned around. The only window in the room was completely covered by shades and a curtain, leaving no chance of any kind of light to come through. But she was practically the moon herself. Her milky white skin glowed in the dark room while her long, black hair framed her face. Her face, though her eyes remained closed, was terrified.

Her breathing began to get faster. Her mouth opened and closed several times, as if she were trying to scream, but couldn't. A small sob escaped from her mouth and she began shaking her head.

"Don't," she pleaded. "Let him go!" Her voice raised to a shriek. "STOP!"

He clenched his eyes shut, a small hiss fighting its way through his gritted teeth. His shadow was right. She was his weakness. But he didn't care. They needed each other.

Especially considering the fact that he had put her to sleep in the first place and she couldn't wake up unless he let her.

He got back into the bed and pulled her trembling body into his arms. He waved his hand over her face. Gasping, her eyelids immediately fluttered open. The moment she saw him, she seemed to snap back to reality, but she couldn't stop crying. He could see how hard she was trying to. She hated to look weak as much as he did.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and he clutched her to him tighter.

"You're safe and sound, Amy," he said quietly. "I promise."

He laid them both down, pulling the covers over them more securely, and she clung to him, burying her face in the crook of his neck, trying to calm herself down.

"There is a bright side here, you know," Peter commented, resting his hand on the back of her head and running his fingers through her hair. "At least I'm not Henry anymore."

She choked out a noise that sounded like a cross between a laugh and a hiccup.

It took a few minutes before her emotions were in control. She rubbed her eyes furiously, as if she could make herself un-see everything.

"I'm sorry," she said miserably.

"There's nothing to be sorry about," he said, rolling his eyes. "We've had this conversation before. You can't help it."

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