Chapter 9 - Ball

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*The dress above is what you're wearing, it can be in your (f/c), of course. Enjoy!!

Reader's Pov:

I take a deep breath as I paced back and forth. The ball was taking place outside the doors that were a few feet away from me, and I knew there must've been at least a few hundred noblemen out there waiting for my hand in marriage.

There was a knock on the door, making me stop my pacing. "Yes?"

"Your Highness, it's Levi. Are you ready?" He asked. "Just a moment, please. In fact, come in for a moment." I ordered.

He walks in with the same uniform he was wearing yesterday for our practice. I take my katana from the table and put it in the extra sheath he had.

"One of the things I learned during my years of being princess of Zethana is to not trust anyone who comes through the palace doors from the outside. I need you to stay by my side, no matter what. I have no doubt these men will break out in battle for my hand in marriage. That's why I didn't want to host a ball in the first place." I said.

I placed my hands on his shoulders and hid my face into his chest. "I'll admit, I'm scared. It'll definitely be a night to remember, but I don't want to disappoint Zethana either for not being the queen they want me to be.."

"Your Highness...I've told you before, and I'll tell you again. You'll be a great queen to Zethana and to her people, even without a king by your side." Levi told me. I subconsciously squeeze his shoulders for my own comfort. "Thank you, Levi.."

"Your Highness! Oh-"

I look up from Levi's chest to see one of the guards. "Yes, what is it?" I asked. "The King is ready to announce your presence for the ball." He responded.

"All right, you're dismissed." I said. He nodded in gratitude before taking off. "I guess I have to go." I muttered to myself.

Levi walked over to the doors and opened them for me, allowing me to walk through them. "Introducing the maiden of the hour, Princess (Y/n)!"

Some noblemen bowed to me while others wolf whistled and cheered. I scoffed underneath my breath before going down the stairs with Levi's assistance.

"Please, enjoy the rest of your evening!"

A lot of men tried to ask me to dance with them, but I politely declined as I sipped the tea I had. I was looking around, but none of the men seemed to catch my eye like Levi did.

What the hell is wrong with me? Ever since that one day, Levi has been in my head and I can't get him out! This is ridiculous! He would never give up his role to be by my side...

"So, have you seen a man for your taste, Princess?" I looked over at Hanji, who walked up to me with her usual grin. "Nope, I doubt I'm going to find anyone here."

She giggled. "Stubborn as always. By the way, where's Shorty?" She asked. I looked around and realized he wasn't by my side.

Didn't I just tell him how I was feeling? What a jerk. I told him to stay by my side at all costs!

There was suddenly silence, and an aisle was formed between me and someone else. The person walked down the aisle, and I could finally make out their face right before they bowed to me.

"May I have this dance, Your Highness?" Levi asked.

I felt my face heat up a bit, but I take the hand that he extended out, and danced my first and only dance of the night.

The Bloodless War (Guard!Levi x Princess!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now