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The music Box

You woke slowly, realizing with a smile that Thomas was still wrapped around you. It was surprising how warm you felt without any clothes. Under the heavy blankets and sheets, Thomas spooned you tightly, molding your body to his so perfectly, it was as if you had been originally cut from him. Your waking movements caused him to take a deep breath and pull you tighter to him. He buried his face in your hair.

You blushed to yourself, remembering the night's events. The soreness between your legs did not surprise you, nor did it feel burdensome. It was a welcome reminder of the moment you had shared with Thomas. The encounter with the veiled spirit was not far from your mind either, spoiling the otherwise perfect morning. It was so bleak here, you reasoned, why not put off the horrible things for now and focus on the one nugget of happiness you had managed to find. There would be time later to persuade Thomas. Time when he was less naked, and you were less comfortable.

You heard mumbling and felt the vibrations on your neck. Giggling, you turned your head slightly towards Thomas.

"What was that?" you asked, chuckling.

"I said you did not fade away," Thomas repeated with his eyes still closed, smiling. "You're still here." Finally he opened his eyes and gazed at you. Turning around to view him better, you realized just how relieved he really looked - as if his remark the previous evening had been true.

"I told you, I am not going anywhere," you repeated firmly.

Taking his face in your hands, you gently pulled him in for a kiss. It was soft and delicate, much like the morning light that snuck through the curtains. Any mood you might have wanted to create was disrupted by the loud sound your stomach made then. Giggling, you looked down.

"Hungry?" Thomas asked.

"Maybe a little," you admitted. "It was a pretty taxing evening," you smirked.

Thomas bit his lower lip and smiled.

"Well, endurance is built up over time, with much, much practice," he teased.

He sat up quickly and stood, opening the curtains slightly and letting the morning light spill in. The light illuminated him, revealing every curve that the darkness had hidden. There were some moments when you were sure he belonged there in the sunlight, rather than hidden away in this dark mansion. Perhaps you could help him in this way - coax him out into the sun where he belonged. Anyone gazing at his glistening body in the bright rays would have agreed with you. It felt intrusive to stare, but you could not help it. He walked over to the closet and pulled out a dressing gown similar to the one you had stolen the night before. He draped it around himself carefully, covering himself completely, at which you frowned.

You followed suit, shivering at the temperature difference outside the bed. You slipped your nightgown on and Thomas held out the dressing gown you had stolen. You slid the gown on and felt quite a bit warmer. Finding slippers, you were sufficiently dressed to brace the cold of the mansion. Thomas led the way downstairs. You walked hand in hand into the kitchen.

Once again Lucille was up before you and dressed. You wondered if she dressed every day. So far you had spent your days in the mansion in a night gown. With no company, who was there to impress? Perhaps she simply liked a routine, you reasoned. She turned to the two of you with an indifferent expression. You noticed her eyes dip to your entwined hands and she scowled.

Placing the tea tray she had been holding onto the table a little more violently than you had expected, she took a seat at the table and stared at you.

"Good morning, sister," Thomas greeted her. He let go of your hand to cross the room and kiss his sister's cheek. She smiled and seemed to melt into the embrace. He pulled away quickly to return to your side, slipping his hand back into yours as though he could not breath without your touch.

Crimson peak re-telling (Reader x Tomas Sharpe)Where stories live. Discover now