Chapter 7: Creampie [JiKook]

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Whoop I've been excited to write this one. This one and a few others have really been on my list to write and I'm so excited to write it. More so cause its easier. For those of you who don't know what a Creampie is, its when a guy cums and its in such a large amount that the cum gushes or pours back out of whatever hole it came from. Doesn't necessarily count if its the mouth so if its in the ass or vagina then it counts. Since this story is fully gay, we're going for ass! Let's get it!

"Is that a bet?" Jungkook challenged as he stood up from the floor he was just recently kicked to. Jimin carefully held out a shoe to defend himself as he hid behind a pillow.

"It is," The smaller yet older boy said. "It really makes it hard to perform if my ass and throat is sore from you fucking me 24/7, Kookie." Jimin tried explaining to his younger boyfriend. He didn't mind his energy or libido, but he had to realize that Jimin was fragile at times and he couldn't always keep up with Jungkook. Jungkook had a pretty strong sex drive when it came to their relationship. Jimin just didn't like how sore he was the next day after.

"That'll interfere with the group."

"I can't help it," Jungkook took a step forward, but Jimin held the shoe up, ready to throw it if need be. "My little boyfriend is just so fuckable that I want him all the time."

Jimin rolled his eyes and lowered his shoe. "You wouldn't last a fucking month without sticking your dick in me."

"So it is a bet?" Jungkook questioned. "You're saying I can't go a whole month without fucking you?"

"No masturbating or fucking Taehyung either, no. You wouldn't last." Jimin challenged. Everyone knew the maknae was always up for a competition, and he really was a cocky bastard when he won. Though no sex for a month would surely be too much for him. He'd be begging to fuck Jimin in 2 days max.

Jungkook sucked on his teeth while nodding slowly, contemplating if this was worth it. "Okay. What are the rules and what do I get if I win?"

Jimin smirked, knowing he would win regardless so he didn't have to try hard with the rules. "Simple. No jerking off. No having someone else jerk you off. No asking to fuck one of the hyungs. No asking one of the hyungs to fuck you. No porn. No toys what so ever. No making me horny to get me to let you fuck me. No touching me, not even if I'm asleep. No touching me at all in fact."

Jungkook visibly flinched at that last one. "Unless you want to back out and admit that the golden maknae isn't good at everything."

Jungkook's jaw tightened at Jimin's words. He wouldn't let something as simple as no sex bother him. He had been a virgin long enough, and even though he would just jerk off, it wasn't too hard to go one month without it.

"If I win, then I get to top you," Jimin smiled innocently, his eyes closed as his chubby cheeks obscured his vision. "And you'll have to walk around with an ass full of my cum, plugged up with a butt plug alllllll day while running errands with me."

"And if I win?" Jungkook asked.

"Then I'll take a few days off and let you fuck me until your heart's content. I'll be your obedient little fuck toy and won't object to anything." Jimin held out his free hand to Jungkook. "Deal?"

Jungkook stuck his hand out to meet Jimin's and shook it. "Deal."

"Oh, I'll also make sure the hyungs keep a close eye on you. If you break this deal your cute little ass is mine to fuck." Jimin let go of his hand and tossed the shoe to the floor before climbing out the bed and exiting the room.

Jungkook let out a long sigh and flopped on the bed. He was already hard and Jimin walking around in Tae's button up shirt wasn't helping at all. It wasn't fair because the rules didn't apply to Jimin. He could get fucked by anyone in the dorm if he wanted to, but poor little Jungkook was stuck to being celibate.

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