Chapter 4: Bukakke [OT7/BTS]

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Okay I'm putting the author's note at both the beginning and the end of the story to make sure that everyone is well educated and I don't receive any hate comments. This chapter is VMin themed (meaning Taehyung and Jimin are a pair), under absolutely NO MEANS is Jimin being forced into anything that is about to happen or that's mentioned to have happened before hand. In this chapter both Taehyung and Jimin have a open relationship, meaning both WILLING parties are fully okay and consensual with what the other does and they talk about it before ANYTHING is agreed upon. So if I get ANY comments of "how could Tae let that happen to Jimin" or "you made BTS rape Jimin!" I'm gonna be one mad ass bitch. Its not rape, its con-non-con, meaning he agreed to it before hand its PORTRAYED to being forced. If you're still uncomfortable with the thought of Jimin being used to such an extent or the thought of an orgy happening to Jimin, then please, skip this chapter and wait until the next one is posted or if its posted by the time of you reading this, then please skip this chapter and read the next day. Cause this is going to be really raunchy and filthy. Hopefully. For those of you who chose to stay, I hope you enjoy.


Taehyung set his phone down after looking through the group chat one more time, making sure everyone agreed

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Taehyung set his phone down after looking through the group chat one more time, making sure everyone agreed. Taehyung had already got everything set up and planned, he just needed to get Jimin ready.

Once he was sure of everyone agreeing to come over, he rolled over on his side to face Jimin, the older of the two was too preoccupied with the story he was reading on his phone.

Taehyung crawled over slowly and climbed on top of Jimin's smaller frame, towering over him. He looked so cute in Taehyung's sweater, it swamped his smaller body and made Taehyung want to cuddle him but it also made him want to fuck Jimin senseless.

"Jiminie~" Taehyung cooed, getting Jimin's attention. Jimin set his phone down and turned over so he was facing Taehyung, a slight smile tugged on the corners of his plump lips as he wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck and his legs around his hips.

"Yes, Taehyung?" He said softly, hoping that Taehyung was in the mood to baby him, Jimin more than willing to submit to him.

Taehyung shook his head slowly while smiling back at him, his hand moving down to massage circles in Jimin's exposed hip under the sweater. "I wasn't talking to Jimin, I was talking to Jiminie. Where's my little baby at? Is he hiding?"

A bigger smile appeared on Jimin's face before he covered it with the sleeves of the sweater, turning it away from Taehyung. Seeing an opportunity, Taehyung bent down and began to place kisses along Jimin's cheek and neck. He kept going until Jimin peaked out between his fingers, his eyes more glossy than before.

"There he is," Taehyung sat up and brought Jimin with him, pulling the smaller male on top of him. "Come here."

Once on top of Taehyung, Jimin snuggled against him, rubbing his head against Taehyung's chin while trying his best to wrap his hands around Taehyung. He was in the mood to be spoiled and babied, and was eager to please.

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