Getaway driver

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*two chapters in one day. Oh goodness the world is off it's axis*

Lenny, Micky, Jax, Sara and I were all listening to Rip talk about Kendra's worsening condition.

"Pieces of the dagger have apparently broken off and are, as we speck, en route to her heart." Rip told the team.

"Can't we just Time jump into the future where they got the stuff that can fix her?" Jax asked Rip

"This ship is from that very same future and has, thus far, been unsuccessful in saving her." Rip answered the kids question

"Kendra wouldn't survive the time jump anyway." Snart added in. Rip looked at him confused. "I pay attention."

"To sum up, Carter Hall is dead, the girlfriend's not too far behind, Vandal Savage is sitting pretty in 1975, Which we're now all stuck in. That how the plan was supposed to work, Rip?" Mick asked with sass that I couldn't help but giggle at.

"Obviously not, but the mission is simple, we stop Vandal Savage here in the past and we save the future." Rip fires back

"Simple don't mean easy, Rippy" I said to him.

He turns and looks at me "oh, I never said it was. The benefit of being a Time Master is that the length and breadth of history gives one...perspective. I've seen darker days. I've seen men of steel die and dark knights fall, and even then I accomplished my mission no matter what." Rip says, he always feels the need for speeches. I'm was sitting on the table/hologram thingy but Rip told me to move so he could use it. "Gideon, what is our status?"

"When the WaveRider was attacked by Chronos, the jump ship was damaged. Unless you make repairs we will be unable to-" Gideon started

"Wait, Jumpship?" Jax asked Rip in confusion.

"It's a small expeditionary vessel at the belly of the WaveRider- you're a mechanic!" Rip shouts coming to the realization. Rip was done with the table so I sat back on it crisscrossed, cause I can.

" mechanic-" Jax points to himself then to the ship "Uh...spaceship!" But then gives in "Uh, okay if you have a set of wrenches I can see what I can do"

"What about the rest of us? Do we just sit? Mick asks

"Capital idea, Mr.Rory. You're not nearly as think as most people say." Rip says walking away.

"Think... does that mean stupid?" Mick says. He is standing kind of close to where I was on the table and I reach over and pay his shoulder and smile at him.

"It's okay. I still like you" I say to him smiling while Sara laughs.

The rest of the team was off doing whatever they are doing. Jax was fixing the ship, Stein and Ray were with Kendra, Sara was talking with Rip and Lenny, Mick and I were in my room. Mick was walking around touching all of my stuff, like all of it, just picking it up and looking at then and then putting it back down. I was laying on my bed throwing a ball into the air and catching it, while Lenny sat on the foot of my bed watching Mick mess with EVERYTHING in my room.

"Well, I'm bored. I'm gonna go look around. See you later." Lenny said then walked out of my room which left Mick and I. Mick was turned around looking at something until I threw the ball at the back of his head which got his attention.

"What was that for?" He asked in his ruff voice while walking over to my bed to sit where Lenny just was.

"I don't know. I'm bored talk to me" I whined at him.

"About what" he grumbled back

"I don't know"

"Okay. Can I ask about your sleeve that you alway wear?" He asked glancing down at the black sleeve that I always wore. I was hesitant to tell him about what I had underneath it.

Trust is earned / Mick Rory *discontinued* Where stories live. Discover now