Really Stupid Questions

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45. If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

46. Why do they call it taking a dump? Shouldn't it be leaving a dump?

47. If it's friendly fire, shouldn't they use blanks?

48. If you mated a bull dog and a shitsu, would it be called a bullshit?

49. If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a song about him?

50. Shouldn't the opposite of shut up be shut down?

51. Why are Softballs hard?

52. Why is it that night falls but day breaks?

53. How long do fish wait to swim after they eat?

54. What do you call it when fat people swim naked?

55. Why do we still call it "shipping" when it goes by plane and truck?

56. Do the minutes on the movie boxes include the previews, credits, and special features, or just the movie itself?

57. Who wants to own a convertible that you drive only to work and back?

58. Why do they call it weed when it's so hard to grow?

59. How do you remove a club soda stain?

60. Why won't my bankruptcy attorney accept payments?

61. Is Florida shaped like a handgun on purpose?

62. Is it wrong to enjoy the smell of your own gas?

63. Is it really necessary for L.A. to have a zoo?

64. Do turkeys get sleepy from that thing in turkey that makes you sleepy?

65. Why is it called a "drive through" if you have to stop?

66. Why do they call it "getting your dog fixed" if afterwards it doesn't work anymore?


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