CH.1 My First Letter

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Dear God,

My daddy has been sick for a long, long time.You probably already know.He coughs morning, noon and night without stopping. The doctor says  he has this disease called tu-ber-cu-lo-sis.Well I think thats what its called.The doctor says he'll live to see the snow fall but I know Doctor Murphy is wrong.My daddy is very strong and will live till infinity and beyond.I try to do all I can to help him but my babysitter Angela keeps screaming and telling me not to touch him, that I might get the disease but I know thats not true.I know she doesn't like me or my daddy.She just wishes my daddy would die so I can be shuffled of to a stupid carehome. I can hear her on the porch.Cant write much now but could you help my daddy get better, PLEASE.And I promise to do whatever you want.



"Salamanca Monroe what do you think you are doing.Its way past your bedtime".

"I know Angela but I have to finish writing my letters to-".

"Dont you dare say that name in this household.He rarely does anything for you".

"Yes he does".

"Dont talk back to me CHILD.I deserve all the respect.Look at me.I should be married.I should have kids.I SHOULD HAVE A LIFE! Instead I'm here slaving away taking care of you and you're restless dad.If  "GOD" loves us so much why are we here?Why do we live in a shack with hardly any furniture?Why do you sleep on a blanket?Why do you go to bed hungry at night".

At this stage my eyes were filled with tears.They streamed down my cheeks and once a sob became a violent cry.

"Shut up and stop crying.It doesn't help.Crying never helps.I could cry from now till tomorrow and nothing would happen.Not even your "God" could save me from the life we're in.No-one could unless you're father died, then I would get money for taking care of you, you ignorant brat".

"Well I hate you too".

I stormed out to my cupboard like bedroom, lay down and began to cry.

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