CH.4 A Genesis Present

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The next morning Salamanca was as worried as a school teacher with ten times a dozen kids.She was busy tidying up her room and the rest of the tiny apartment she lived in.Even though it was her birthday, the next day, she was not like other lucky children and had to do her daily routine. First she got up, folded her blanket, brushed her teeth, got dressed and combed ger hair.As it was very long she tied it into a ponytail with her last hairband.Next she gave her dad his daily medicines and waited for her babysitter Angela to come with brunch.While she was waiting she would draw pictures for her dad and hang them up with any tape or nails that she could find.She had a whole section in the apartment dedicated to pictures and she called it her Godly Gallery.Her dad loved when she did this and so Salamance did it every morning and other times during the day when she was free, which she always was.It aldo gave Salamanca joy to see her dad smiling.It was something he rarely did anymore.When Angela got home and they had finished eating Angela would go for a nap, her long , tedious naps which ranged from the time 3pm-4pm.Salamanca didnt know thus as she had only gone to pre-school and the first year of primary before her education was snatched away from her too.But Salamanca knew roughly around the time that Angela went for her naps as she observed methodically every day.Salamanca did not go to school as they had to use money for more necessary things to survive.So instead of learning Salamanca would draw pictures and write quotes that she made up herself for her dad and hang them.She would also write letters to God and make up mini stories in her head.For a normal child this ruotine would be boring but for someone like Salamanca it was interesting and she could appreciate it.Night came and Salamanca crawled to her blanket, empty tummy and lay on the brick solid floor and began to think.....

She thought about the things she never wanted to think about.Not even for a moment.She twisted and turned trying to get some sleep in the pictch, black room but it wasn't easy whaen all those thoughts were floating theouhh her head.It felt like her head was bombarded with a weight of questions which she could not lift off.What if Angela was right?What if her father did die?What if she was fostered off to care homes?What if she stopped writting letters to God?But worst of all.What if she stopped believing in God?Salamanca felt like she was doomed.She felt like a lion in a cage.This all came especially at night when she lay down to sleep.She found it hard to sleep because she thought if she closed her eyes they would never open again.But she had dreams and ambitions.With only a few more hours left till sunrise Salamanca was finally able to get some shut eye.

"Get up you lazy lump. I have to go to the shops to go your brunch.Dont forget to give your dad his medicne and one more thing stop writting those silly letters."

"The're not silly."

"Whatever."said Angela scornfully.

Salamanca got through her daily duties as quick as she could, ate her brunch, waited patiently for Angela to have her long,tedious naps and when she finally did she tip-toed quietly to the door, opened it slowly, waited for any noise and when none came she walked as fast as she could to Mr.Pattersons house trying not to make any commosion.When she got there she rang the doorbell and waited for ab answer but when none came she continuosly rang the bell.She was determined to see Mr.Patterson if it killed her.After waiting for an hour she began to lose hope and when she was about to give up a voice came from the black door.

"What are you doing here so early laddie."

"Its half three Mr.Patterson."

"Hey you finally got the name."

"Now you can get mine.It's Salamanca."

"OK Salamanca come in."


"Sorry about the wait.I was sleeping.Had to sort out a lot of mail.But luckily wrinkles was here to wake me up.Isn't that right wrinks."

"WOOF! (meaning:Your very welcome)."

"Can I hold her."


At that moment wrinkles leapt into my hands and started barking.

"Here feed her?"

I dropped the bowl of milk down at my feet and wrinkles leapt out of my arms and began drinking the milk sporadically looking up every so often to see if I was still there.After that she curled up to her little pillow and began to sleep.Only then did I notice how furnished Mr.Pattersons house was.As you came in it had flowers on either side, a picture hanging on the wall with two adults and a young boy between them.They were on a boat close to a nearby forest.They were all wearing matching outfits.White shorts, white t-shirt and a white cap with a blue stripe.There was a blustery wind theme and the atmosphere aroud them seemed unhappy. The boy and the woman were smiling but the man pulled a straight face.As you walked down the hallway you came to the living room.To Salamanca the living room was her whole house.It had plain green curtains and a matching green couch.There was a lamp on a table to thevside of the couch.Even the the light wad on and the curtains were opened it still all seemed very dull.Probably because of all the green, brown and black colours which reminded her of war.The tv was on but it had lost signal and was in that mushy, bleary state.This was all so new to Salamanca.That was all she could inspect for now but she would try to explore further when she had the time.

"Explore further.I didn't invite you to explore.I invited you to see wrinkles.

"Oh sorry.I just like your house."

Salamanca took a seat.

"I wanted to give you this gift for your birthday. "

"What is it."said Salamanca excitedly.

"A bible and a bracelet.I got you this because of your letters to God and I think it would be better if you knew more about God so I bought you this bible and the bracelet is just something I thought you would like."

Salamanca tore it open and gave Mr.Patterson a hug which he wasn't expecting.

"Do you want to hear a story."

"Oh yes please."

"Let me begin."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2014 ⏰

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