CH.3 A Frightful Dream

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Mr Pattersons.

"Dont stand there and look at me.Answer me"

"I'm here to mail two letters."

"Two letters."

"And to whom are you mailing these letters to."

"To GOD."

As soon as I said that everyone in the post office stopped what they were doing and turned around for a second just to look at me.

"Ok go ahead.Mail you're letters to God."Mr Patterson said with a giggle.

I decided to ignore him.

"Mr Patt."

"Mr Patterson."

"Ok Mr Patterson.Do you have any pets."


"Are you sure."


"Mr Patt, Patterson, do you know lying is a sin."

"What sin.And I'm not lying."

"I know you have a pet."

"Ok.I have a pet.Why does it matter to you."

"Well I have always wanted a pet, preferably a dog but since I don't have enough money to buy one I have to go on imagining and hoping one day I will come across a kind man who will let me......."

"I'll make you a deal.You leave the post office now and you can come over to meet my pet dog in two days time."

"Great, because you know my birthday is in two days time.Im turning eight.And I would love to do something different for my birthday this year......"

I turned arond and Mr Patts face was as red as a tomatoe.

"I'll be leaving now."

I walked out of the post office.At that exact moment I felt the undelivered envelopes in my hand.Though I hadn't delivered the letters I still felt very happy.I was finally getting a friend or if I wasn't I at least knew someone to go to when I wanted to talk instead of writing and drawing.Not that writting and drawing letters to God is boring.I love doing it.Its what I do everyday.And thats why I want to try something a bit different.I couldn't tell Angela though because I know for certain she wont allow it.

"Tomorrow I'm going to deliver these letter or at least try to without getying distracted again.And before I go to bed I must write another letter and tell daddy all about my day.I better hurry though.Daddy usually goes to bed in thirty minutes.

When I got home that day I wrote this letter:

Dear God,

Thank you so much.You gave me a friend and daddy is getting a lot better.He isn't coughing as much and doctor Murphy hasn't come to visit.Not once.In the last week of course.Which is great.This was only supposed to be a thank you letter.So thank you.For everything.And also thank you for my birthday.I cant believe its been a whole year since I started writing letters to you.Heaven must be packed with envelopes now.I know it's not going to be much like the parties I see in the magazines but it's the thought of living that counts.Me and my daddy are going to live till infinity and beyond.



"Hi pumpkin.What have you been up to all day."

"I have a great story to tell you daddy."

"First of all was about to mail my letters when Mr.Patt invited me to  his house on my birthday to meet his pet."

"Thats lovely pumpkin.I remember your birthday and I told Angela to buy you a little treat.Is that ok?"

"Of course it's ok daddy.In fact its perfect."

"Thanks pumpkin."

"Im going to let you sleep now daddy."

"Ok pumpkin. "

As soon as I left my daddys side a loud clatter of coughs muddled together to form one of his attacks.I took care of him till he fell asleep.

I decided it was time for me to go to sleep too.

I dreamt a vivid dream that night.I was in a small but pretty house covered with flowers. My mother was very sick. I was around four years old.My father looked healthy.I saw an ambulance drive into the pathway just as my mother collapsed.The next day we got a call from the hospital.As soon as my father picked it up his face turned pale.I knew something was wrong.After that I never saw my mother again.

I woke up startled.The thing that just happened in my dream was what happened in real life.

I stayed awake the rest of the night and while I was there I had a conversation with God.

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