Ch.2 A New Neighbour

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Dear God,

"Your daddy isn't getting any better Salamanca so you may as well stop writing numerous letters to your false God."

That's what Angela tells me every morning; but I'm in-tell-ig-ent and know that she is wrong.Everybody is wrong about my daddy.I kniw he will survive because he is strong and believes in you.Apart from that he has to survive.I cant live without him.I have no-one else.Anway I've got a new neighbour.His name is Mr.Patterson.He doesn't talk much and I dont think he lives with anyone except for his dog wrinkles...mmhh...wrinkles is a funny name.I know because I hear him calling his dog every morning and evening for his or her breakfast and dinner.Thats the only time Mr.Patterson talks.I'm going to call him Mr.Patt for short.Patterson is too hard to remember.Not that I cant or anything but Patt suits Mr.Patterson much better.I have to mail my letters to you now.I guess thats all.Bye.



I walked down the steps of our house.The railings were hard and rusty.The walls were spray painted and a lot of grafitti was written all over them.There were words I'm not usually allowed say but for the sake of you I will.Okay, they were idiot,stupid, go die in a hole and so on.I looked away and continued to walk down the black gravel yard.

"Hi Mr.Patt.Lovely day for a walk."

"My name is Mr.Patterson not Mr.Patt and if you must address me do it correctly. "

That was my first encounter with Mr.Patt, Mr.Patterson whatever you want to call him.Today he was wearing a blue t-shirt, a black tie, a black hat with a gold symbol on it.He was also wearing black trousers and polished,black shoes.He looked like he was dressed for work perhaps a postman.I would just have to find out when I got there.I reahed my destination-the post office.It was a small bricked building with lamp lights and a large sign reading 25% off.I walked in, and looked around wide eyed at what to expect.I saw a large desk.To my right I saw a large, white stand with postcards, envelopes and brochures.To my left I saw a big brown shelf with a variety of books.But, what caught my eye was the layout of toys at the front window where all could see.I suddenly got back to my senses and realized what I came to do hadn't been done.I walked to the mailbox and as I was about to put it in I heard a sharp but familiar voice from a desk behind the end panel.

"What do you think you're doing".

I turned around and to my surprise my eyes met..............?

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