The Beginning!

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Hinata awoke in a room that wasn't hers.

After a few seconds, she remembered why. This was Ino's house.

Yesterday, she let the blond convince her to sleepover at her place. She had no idea why.

She hardly even knows the Yamanaka girl. But, her guess was that she wanted to prove to Sakura that she had more friends than her.

And, lately, Hinata has been feeling lonely, so she let herself get convinced.

Well, on with the story.

So, the young lavender eyed girl woke up in Ino's room. She got up and got dressed, like she did every morning.

Then, she went down for breakfast.

Ino was waiting for the Hyuga in the kitchen, with the morning meal already ready.

"Hiya Hinata-chan! I didn't know that you were a late sleeper! It's nearly eleven! Good thing that it's a weekend!"

The blue haired girl blushed.

"G-Good morning I-Ino-san! I'm s-sorry for being up so late! I g-guess that I was tired!"

The truth was, she was up all night having nightmares about being stuck in a room with her father, whom she had gotten yelled at by the day before, and cousin. It was terrifying.

"No worries! Look! I made breakfast!"

Hinata smiled and sat down on the table. She started munching on the toasted bread that was in her plate. After a few bites, she sipped at her orange juice.

She frowned. It tasted funny. She simply shrugged and dismissed it. She didn't have the guts to ask her new found friend why.

When both of the girls finished their food, Hinata glanced at the clock.

"Oh! I-I'm sorry! I h-have to go! My f-father is waiting!" She blushed and bowed. "Thank you f-for having me over Ino-san! I had a g-great time!"

In reality, Hinata was bored to death talking about Sasuke Uchiha all night. But she wasn't going to say that to Ino.

"Bye Hinata-chan!"

"Good b-bye Ino-san!" The Hyuga grabbed her bag and walked out the door, waving to Ino on the way out.

When the front door closed behind, that was when it all started.

Little Hyuga Hinata started feeling strange. Her head felt like it was floating. Her heart felt like it was flying.

She... She felt... Invincible!

The once shy little girl suddenly saw the world at a whole different angle. It looked beautiful, and all her past worries seemed stupid.

Why didn't she just tell Ino that she was a boring bitch and that she was a terrible cook? Her shyness irritated her now.

She skipped back to the Hyuga compound. On the way, she was stopped by Sakura Haruno.

"Hey! Hinata-san! I heard that you slept over at Ino-pig's house? Was she so desperate for friends she doesn't have that she had to invite you over?"

A few minutes ago, she would have blushed and stammered apologies. Now, she wanted to slap the pink haired hag. So she did.

"Yeah. She was so desperate for friends. I feel that you should be friends with her again, because that is the only real way any of you two bitches could find someone who wants to listen to your mindless prattling about the most boring guy in the world!"

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