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|3 days later|

Trinity p.o.v

So king stretch me out more after you have a baby your supposed to wait a few weeks before being sexual again.. and yea

our convo


k:what bitch

t:can you and your friends please stop smoking in my house

k:man no

t:oka whatever king we out

k:hold up pause the game ty.. trin go upstairs

t:no im not going

k:trin take yo ass up them damn stairs

t:king no I have to go

k:no fuck that get yo ass up stairs

t:bye king(leaves)

k:are you taking ken with you

t:yep bye

k:(grabs her wrist) can we talk it out

t:(scoffs) fuck you

|later that night|

King p.o.v

mane big rob where is my girl at?I mean I know I said some things and called her out her name but damn I miss my baby girl. .

you should try calling her and apologize to her

iigh, thanks man

yea nigga iigh baby mama want me home now cant go nowhere without her being on my back.(gives him dap)

iigh bye nigga

King and Trinity convo:


T:what king im busy (baby crying in the background)

K:whats wrong with her

T:she is tired just like me bye (hangs up)

K:(hangs up)

k:mane fuck.(breaking stuff) ty!!!!

ty:what my nigga?

k:go get me some liquor

ty:nigga trin dont want you to be drinking so nahh

k:(breaks the vase and television) idgaf go get me some liquor

|2 days later|

Trinity p.o.v

ok so ima go home and see how he is holding up or whatever....so soon as I walk into the house, my house has been torn up.. television broke, broken glass, holes in the wall, ect... but I get ready to go upstairs and see king sitting on the stairs with a bottle of liquor and his eyes bloodshot red like he has been crying or no sleep

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