×after appointment×
(they go shopping)
± skips ahead 5 months ±
king p.o.v
ahhhhhhh I cant deal with trinity and her pregnant ass mood swings gosh I need some rest... at least she sleep right now. ima try and rest
5 minutes later
trinity p.o.v
mah gawd my baby woke me up. we hungry
trinity: kinnngggg
king:mann wtf trin what now?
trinity:never mind(gets up)
king:no sit yo ass down
trinity:moove king im hungry
king:(grabs her wrist) im talking to you
trinity:oka and my baby is talking to me too. let go of my wrist
king:man bye idc anymore
trinity:king why you trippen?
king:im not
trinity:king why are you following me?
king:why you worried about it
trinity:because I could (pains) wait ahh (holds her stomach)
king:whats the matter baby
trinity:move king. I dont wanna talk to you right now(pushes him away)
king:fuck this, im out call me when the baby is born(walks out the kitchen)
trinity:noo baby wait come back please I need you(grabs his fore arm)
king:i knew you couldnt risk me leaving. now gimme some lip.
trinity:(smiles & whimpers) owww king take me ahhhh shit
king:what whats wrong?
trinity:im having pains in my stomach
king:lets go lay down. how do you wanna do your birth
trinity:I want to do a home birth but idk yet (walks upstairs)
king:yea I would love that kind of birth
trinity:wait im still hungry babe
king:what yall want to eat?(rubs her belly)
trinity:go to the store and get my pineapples n peanut butter and pickles
something doesn't seem right. I feel like we are being stalked. im just paranoid ima call king
_phone conversation_
t-baby something isnt right (breathing hard)
k-wa wait baby what you mean
t-(screams) king ahhh help mee
k-shit. baby saty strong im on my way